Give It Everything You've Got

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All Might clutched a part of his head as he walked down the hall, still trying to process what Midnight had told him earlier.

“Lost Cause…” he mumbled incredulously after Midnight's explanation, “A vigilante…” “He's been on our radar since the USJ,” Midnight continued, “Almost had as much of an impact as you when he officially debuted.” All Might is barely processing what he's being told. He told a boy he couldn't be a hero, so he became a vigilante!? How the hell does that work? “I got lucky when I caught him,” Midnight explained, “Turns out Aizawa ran into him after he dealt with a burning buil-”

“This is my fault,” All Might muttered.

Midnight stared at the number one hero. “What do you-?” “It's my fault. I told him he couldn't be a hero…” All Might explained. Midnight still looked confused. “I had the chance to talk with him. After he ran towards the sludge villain to save Young Bakugo, and I escaped from the press, I saw him walking down the road. I was about to say hi, but then Young Bakugo came before I got got the chance. I saw he look on Young Midoriya's face and… I don't know. Some part of me decided it was best to leave. It wasn't.”

“... his mother's death isn't your fault, Yagi.”

All Might rose his head up a bit. Midnight was wearing a rare expression. It was filled with caring, sympathy… a bit of sadness. “You made your choices. Izuku made his. You may be at fault, but not for the reasons you think.” All Might blinked. “Besides, he doesn't seem to be in bad health, if the first two events were any- SHIT! The first match is starting! Talk to you later!” Midnight exclaimed, scampering out of the room.

...and leaving All Might to his devices.

He realized he had reached a dead end. All Might sighed, about to turn the corner when he heard a familiar voice. “Why don't you use your fire, Shoto?” a booming voice demanded. A more reserved voice responded, “I won't use anything of yours.” Young Todoroki? , All Might thought, what are they-? “Enough games, Shoto. You could have placed first in the events if you just used your fire. You're holding yourself back,” the booming voice, Endeavor , argued, his voice dangerously low.

“Doesn't matter,” Shoto countered, “I'll be at the top by the end of this event. Without your help .”

Endeavor let out a scoff; All Might could feel the flames radiating from his spot. “Honestly, Shoto. You need to stop this childish game at once. You're supposed to surpass All Might, not be a disappointment…” All Might froze. Surpass him? What was Endeavor talking about? “I was afraid I was doing something right,” Shoto responded cooly. All Might could make out footsteps growing fainter by the second.

“The last thing I need is to do something you approve of.”

All Might began walking in the opposite direction, shifting into hero form for good measure. After hearing that entire conversation, he was in no condition to be approached. The fact that Endeavor growled as Shoto left didn't help matters either. As the Number One Hero walked away, he didn't notice a certain vigilante in disguise approaching the Number Two (both in rank and in decency). Endeavor’s eyes caught the boy walking past him, his brown hair shadowing his eyes. “Boy,” Endeavor tried to get his attention; the boy didn’t respond. “ Boy .”

This time, the boy stops, turning his head over his shoulder.

“You mean me?” he asks without enthusiasm. Endeavor nods. “I noticed your fight against the brainwashing ki-” “Shinso,” the boy interrupts. Endeavor raises his eyebrow; “ What? ” “His name is Shinso,” the boy corrects again, “I’d assume you wouldn’t know it, but we both know that’s horseshit. I don’t care if your a high ranking pro hero, you’re still mortal like the rest of us.” The boy’s voice betrayed no emotion, save for the occasional wisp of fury that managed to get out every now and then. Endeavor is stunned, and a bit annoyed… but he recovers.

Lost Cause// A Vigilante Midoriya AUWhere stories live. Discover now