Unintended Closure

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Shizento had... mixed feelings when Fuyasuka walked out of the ring.

On one had, he was sad that he wouldn't get to face her. Bakugo would probably be a formidable opponent, but Fuyasuka liked to think outside of the box, and she was probably already thinking about the multitude of ways she could take him down on a scale of Momo-level strategy. On the other hand, he had to respect that she had the metaphorical balls to just stop taking shit from Katsuki and walk away from him, keeping him pinned and everything. He had to resist the urge to laugh or applaud when she crossed the line, because he was so fucking proud of her.

Then everything went to shit because he looked at Katsuki.

The explosive teen in question was pathetically on his knees in the arena. What Shizento was worried about was the look he was sporting. It was a look Shizento had the pleasure of not seeing for nearly the past year. It was the look that gave him a warning before Katsuki inevitably hunted him down and went to town on him. It was the look he was giving the unaware Fuyasuka. Katsuki blasted from his spot. Izuku vanished from his seat.


Fuyasuka was already caught off guard because Katsuki was actually trying to blast her to death. Her eyes only grew in horror when she saw that Shizento had appeared out of nowhere, taking the hit for her. Katsuki's own eyes shrunk when he realized that he hit the wrong target. That worthless extra that had beat him in the first two events had thrown himself in the line of fire. He landed with a graceless thud, looking with contempt at the ragdolled form of the extra.

He failed to notice the small puddle of blood forming near his forehead.

Izuku slowly rose his aching head after his body decided to give a big old fuck you to him after slamming on the ground at Mach 42. His vision was dull, and his hearing was low and fading. People were screaming in the stands, which wasn't helping. Someone was running up to him... Fuyasuka? He couldn't tell with everything being a blur. He thought he saw a pro hero rushing towards him, saying something about a medic. Katsuki just stood where he was, looking at the chaos he'd inadvertently created.

When the fatigue finally set in, Izuku could do nothing to fight back.






What... the hell?

"Zaki!... night! ...awake!"


"...zaki? Oh dear. Namonazaki, can you hear us?"

Midnight? "I...think...so..."

"*sigh* Thank God. How're you feeling?"

Like shit. "...been...better."

"Good, good. Listen, just stay awake a little longer, okay?"

"I'll... try..." Oh crap, my head -

"Namonazaki? Namonazaki! Someone get Recovery Girl!!!"


"-ki!....ay with... ease! Zaki!!!"

It hurts. It hurts. IthurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsITHURTSITHURTS-

"Tell... Fuyasuka... not to... blame... herself..."

I'm... sorry... everyone...

He shot out of bed with a gasp.

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