Encounters Of The Unfortunate (?) Kind

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...Somewhere in Kamino Ward…

“Giran…” Shiragaki heaved, fiddling with his deck of cards, “Who are these people?”

Giran idly smoked his cigarette, giving Shiragaki a crooked smirk. “These are the new recruits, Tomura,” he explained, gesturing to the group. It was truly a diverse cast of villains.  A bulky guy with a cloak and mask, a man with a gas mask, a masculine woman in shades with a big magnet, a lizard Stain impersonator, a man in a black straightjacket with only mouth exposed. There was also a black Deadpool knockoff with split personality disorder, an intellectual with a mask and a fancy yellow coat, a hooded woman with magenta locks, her accomplice wearing a baseball cap hiding her eyes but still exposing her short silver hair, and that one guy in the back with blades protruding out of his body.

Shiragaki huffed, but his hand mask couldn’t hide his slowly increasing grin.

“Of course, the extra muscle you ordered is going through the finishing touches…” Giran added, taking another smoke. “Oi oi…” the hooded girl grumbled, rotating her shoulder, “Are we gonna introduce ourselves or what?” “Apologies,” Giran amended, “Please, introduce yourself if you feel your ready.” The hooded girl nodded, stepping forward, her magenta locks flowing like fire. “Name's Yuseina Chikarako. Call me Domimi when we're bashing heads.” Shirigaki's smile intensified in a creepy manner.

Watch out, heroes. We've already assembled the perfect execution team.

The criminal went out cold after Izuku delivered a hell of a right hook to his temple.

“Anyone teach you manners?” he scoffed, hauling the criminal over his shoulder, “You really shouldn't interrupt two lovely women on a night out…” He looked over his shoulder to see said women still frozen in shock. With a cheeky grin hidden beneath his face mask, he waved to the two ladies before darting out of the alley. There was only one little detail he missed…

“Huh…” Midnight gaped, “Didn't expect to see him here.”

“How are you so casual about this!?” asked Nemuri's partner. She had short auburn hair, done in a similar style to Ochako, as well as brown eyes. Her name was Shino Sosaki, also known as the Pro Hero Mandalay. Nemuri shrugged her shoulders; “It's kind of a long story…” Shino gaped at her friend in shock, before sighing in defeat. “Fine,” she admitted, “But you'll explain this while we're getting tea.” Nemuri nodded in agreement.

The two walked out of the alleyway, heading to one of Nemuri's favorite tea spots.

“ You put a vigilante in the Sports Festival!? ” Shino whisper-yelled. No use causing an outbreak in the public. Nemuri's face wilted a bit with guilt. “To be fair, it was Nedzu's idea…” she tried to defend, “Besides, it was either that, or have every Pro Hero get yelled at for having a kid do an adult's job.” Nemuri realized the context of what she said a few seconds too late, if Shino agape face was anything to go by. Nemuri slapped her hands across her mouth, eyes widening.

Shino was very grateful she didn't sip her tea when Nemuri told her that.

“ Lost Cause is a child!? ” “Teen, technically,” Nemuri hesitantly corrected, “Probably around the same age as the first years.” Shino just sighed, taking a sip of her tea before rubbing her aching forehead. “Before I lose my mind, why don't we go over why you invited me here?” Nemuri nodded eagerly. “Of course! The training camp-” “Sorry I'm late,” a tired voice interrupted. Nemuri scooted a bit to the side as the thin form of Shota Aizawa slid in the seat next to her. He gave Shino an exhausted look.

“You're Mandalay?” he asked softly; Shino nodded.

Shota let out a small grunt. “That makes things easier,” he stated, pulling out a small file. He slid it to Shino inconspicuously. She picked it up, flipping through it quickly. There were 39 profiles, each of a student in Class 1-A or Class 1-B. Something seemed off at the end, though. “Why are these seven students lumped in the back?” she asked in her confusion; six Class 1-A students and one Class 1-B student.

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