Tantalizing Offer and Shizento Namonazaki

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Izuku wakes up on top of a couch.

He knows very well that he's not back home, but last night is still a bit of a blur to him. He sits up, straightening his back from a somewhat uncomfortable sleep. He scans the room; it's surprisingly relaxing. The walls are lavender, the decor puts one at ease. It's a bit chaotic in some places, whether it be paperwork, trash, or laundry strewn about, but that's to be expected. How did Izuku looks towards the kitchen. Maybe he could find something to ea-

Someone is sleeping at the table.

Izuku approaches with caution, not making the slightest sound as he approaches table. The sleeping person turns out to be a woman with long spiky black hair currently done up in a messy ponytail. She's wearing a baggy sweater with shorts. Some black marks are on the sleeves, and Izuku can smell the faint scent of salt in the air. He shrugs, thinking nothing of it... but then last night comes back to him full force. Izuku almost trips over himself.

Endeavor sucks, burning building, outran Eraserhead, got caught by Midnight, no mask-

Before Izuku can be worked up to the point of no return, he reaches into one of his extra hood pockets. A backup face mask is there, which Izuku puts on without delay. Now that he's properly protected, he surveys the kitchen again. The oven has a clock on it that reads: 6:19 a.m. He's got time to spare. He looks into the fridge and pantry, pleasantly surprised to find pancake mix, milk, eggs, and sausage, among other things.

With a grin, he set off to work his magic.


Nemuri's eyes opened to the sight of heaven.

A mysterious boy was in her kitchen, cooking something that smelled absolutely divine. With a groan, she stretched her arms, letting them droop as she shifted her glass back into place. She let out a small yawn, causing the boy to take notice of her. His eyes widened at first, but they relaxed after a bit. "Oh, you're awake," he observed, "just in time, too." The boy carried two plates to the table; Nemuri had to pinch herself. This boy, whoever he was, had made pancakes, sausage, and sunny side up eggs with salt and pepper.

Nemuri knew she was failing miserably at suppressing her drool.

After the boy poured two glasses of orange juice for the both of them, they fell into a comfortable silence. "Thanks for the food," Nemuri muttered, before immediately digging in. After a few bites, her eyes threatened to burst into tears. This kid wasn't half bad! It was exactly the sort of thing she needed to forget last night! ...not that she could remember what had happened in the first placet. She knew it was bad enough to where she cried towards the end of it... the mascara was still on her cheeks. What caused it again? Something about Shouta...

Her fork clattered onto the plate as the memories resurfaced.

Oh no , she thought, oh no no nonono... She had successfully caught Lost Cause, another up and coming vigilante. The only problem was that it turned out he was the same age as a highschooler . If this got out to the public, there would be a social outcry at the mere notion of a kid doing a job arguably better than the Pro Heroes. It was chaos waiting to happen... While Nemuri continued to panic, the boy had taken the time to walk up to her... and tap her shoulder.

Nemuri blinked. The boy just stared.

"So...," he began; Nemuri noticed the vigilante was wearing his iconic face mask, "...what now?" Nemuri did a double take, tilting her head in confusion. " What now? " she asked, incredulous, "Are you crazy, kid!? I don't know if you noticed, but this is REALLY BAD! You won't be the only one in hot water if the media gets word that a HIGHSCHOOL-AGED BOY has been running around playing vigilante! EVERY GODDAMN PRO HERO WILL BE SUBJECT TO-" The vigilante put his hand over her mouth, silencing her.

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