|A Typical Valentine's Day| Special Chapter

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Ah, Valentine's Day, is a wonderful time of the year when couples spend time together happily and they receive different types of gifts, like chocolates, flowers, and even plushies, love is everywhere on this day!

You can either be with someone or also be... Alone, many people don't enjoy this day after all.

I don't think I have ever received a gift from someone :(

Anyways... We are not here to hear about me, this time we are going to observe how our Commander enjoys this wonderful day, shall we see what is he doing?


|A Typical Valentine's Day|


You might expect this to be the best day of my life, and... Indeed it is, in an unusual way I would say.

The thing is that when you are the only man in the entire base it tends to get a bit.. Uh... How to say it... A bit strange I guess.

It's not like I do not enjoy this time of the year, it's wonderful and everyone gets along, and my dream comes true!

The only thing is... There is a lot and when I say a LOT is a LOT of chocolate. Everyone enjoys doing it and that's nice, but... I don't think I can manage to eat it all.

The good thing is that there are different types of flavors and a variety of shapes, each nation usually makes a different type of chocolate and I'm not going to lie, I like them all.

I also hear that everyone is helping each other, it makes me happy to know that there are no troubles or conflicts between the nations during this day at least.

Someone the other day told me that there is a type of competition to know who makes the best chocolate, I hope I don't have to choose anyone...

(Do not tell to anyone, but... I like more the chocolate that Bismarck does)

End of the POV.


|Azur Lane Base|

Sunday 1 P.M

It was a quite busy day for everyone as they were giving their best to express their love towards the Commander with some special gifts for Valentine's Day.

Even so, Y/N offer himself to also help in the kitchen along with everyone else.

To avoid getting his uniform dirt, Y/N made use of a special apron that he received as a gift during Christmas, the smock says |The Best Commander| with some cute decorations around.

While the Commander was helping other girls he was called for someone.

"Kommandant... Might I ask for your help?" (???)

He turned around as he heard the soft and serious voice calling for him.

"Ah, Bismarck? Sure, I don't mind at all" (Y/N)

For the Commander, it was kinda cute that the cold and fearest leader of Iron Blood, Bismarck wanted to participate in this day, she could look serious all the time but the thing is that she is actually gentle and calm when it's better known.


A few minutes later...


"And the only thing you need to do now is to mix it for some minutes and put it in the cold for some time" (Y/N)

"Is this alright, Kommandant?" (Bismarck)

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