|A Different Perspective|

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|This chapter is under heavy rework, please be patient while the author tries to fix this mess...|


Y/N started to slowly fall into the deep ocean, his riggings were unable to make him float on the surface anymore as now with his eyes barely open, he remembered the same scene that happened that day where the only survivor was him from that ambush made by the Sirens a few years ago.

Blood could be seen surrounding his body since the wounds around his body were still open, he was losing a lot of blood already and Y/N ended up giving up trying to swim to reach the surface, he didn't have enough energy to even move.

Was this the end?


Or maybe not?


|Y/N's POV|


Darkness surrounded everything around me, I can't see anything, my body hurts to the point that I can't even try to swim to the surface, I don't have any remaining energy to use and the pain is just intense.

Is this the end? I didn't expect it to end like this. I would probably die not knowing that at all.

Just before I completely close my eyes, I could see some pair of lights coming from the surface...

In the blink of an eye, everything turns black.

|End of Y/N's POV|


|Sardegna Empire Base|

|Hospital of the base|

The Commander slowly open his eyes just to find himself in a small room in complete silence. Only his breathing could be heard.

'Ouch, my head is all dizzy... What happened?' (Y/N's Thoughts)

Y/N slowly stood up in the bed where he was laying, in the process he was able to hear a familiar voice.

"Ah! You're awakened Commander, what a relief, we were all worried for you..." (???)

The leader and flagship from the Sardegna Empire, Vittorio Veneto, was sitting on the right side of the bed, it seems she was waiting for him to wake up.

"Oh, greetings Veneto, didn't see you there..." (Y/N)

"I've been taking care of you during the last few days, I was certainly afraid of your recovery after we found you in such a poor state..." (Vittorio Veneto)

The voice from the Italian battleship sounded worried, but in some way was calm at the same time.

"I appreciate that. If you don't mind that I ask, how much time I've been sleeping?" (Y/N)

"Around one day as expected due to your injuries, how are you feeling now?" (Vitorio)

"I'm still confused and my body still hurts a lot..." (Y/N)

"That's normal, please rest for the rest of the day, I'll make sure to inform everyone about your awakening" (Veneto)

"Yes, thanks for your assistance" (Y/N)

Veneto proceeded to stand up from her seat and move towards the exit, now leaving the Commander alone in the room with his own thoughts.

'How curious a few weeks ago I was taking care of Bismarck and now Veneto is making sure to take care of me... Life is full of surprises, huh?'  (Y/N's Thoughts)

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