|A New Fate|

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Ah yes, another chapter, we are slowly approaching to something even bigger!

Just to let you know, the Commander will finally appear again in this chapter.

Enjoy :)!


The brave act of the Royal Navy fleet a few days ago with the Sardegna Empire didn't go unnoticed by the Commander who reviewing the last reports would find the good gesture that the small fleet have done even though they didn't have the orders to do so.

However, what catch Y/N's attention was the mention in the reports of a "unknown" type of Kansen who did appear in the middle of the combat to fight the Sirens.

In order to know a little bit more of it, the Commander did request the presence of London in his office, fortunately enough, her and the small fleet weren't operating very far away from the base where the Commander was staying.


|Commander's Office|

Opening the door the Commander would find the British cruiser in one of the seats just waiting for him.

"Ah, London, I apologize for making you wait, I was just finishing a meeting with some of the girls" (Y/N)

Upon hearing that particular voice, London would stand up from where she was waiting to do a little reverence towards the Commander.

"Oh, your Excellency, is good to see you again, I was told you wanted to specifically see me, is that correct?" (London)

"Ah, yes, please go ahead and take a sit again..." (Y/N)

Before that meeting the Commander have with Vittorio Veneto and Nagato for the negotiations, he received a pair of reports about not only the assistance of a Sardegna Empire fleet by the Royal Navy, but also about the presence of a weird ship that appeared in the middle of the combat zone, the whole reason of this small meeting.

As one of the ships in charge around that time, the Commander thought it would be the best to ask her about what happened back there and get even more details.

"I read your reports not long ago about the presence of a strange Kansen who was there to help in some way against a group of Sirens, is that right?" (Y/N)

"Yes, indeed, according to one of the Sardegna Empire ships during that time, she was pretty similar to Gneisenau, a member of Iron Blood..." (London)

"Very similar, huh? I pretty much doubt it would be the Gneisenau we all know, the Iron Blood is not in the best place or conditions to be out there helping other fleets..." (Y/N)

"Is that so? Then who she might be?" (London)

The Commander would let out a sigh, it was impossible to hide such things from everyone, they deserve to know what are those strange ships that appear in the most random situations most of the time.

"We call them, META ships, they are a mystery that was discovered not long ago..." (Y/N)

"META ships, your Excellency?" (London)

"That's correct, though we can't confirm what their true purposes or intentions are, we assume they are neutral since their enemies are the Sirens too" (Y/N)

"She mentioned something related with not being the only one fighting the Sirens, does that means there are more than her?" (London)

"Yes, different types of those Kansen have been spotted multiple times, however, they are impossible for us to track down" (Y/N)

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