The liar turns out to be nice.

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"No", was all that Emma said. She started repeating to herself. "NO NO NO NO NO NO!"

Holy shit, I broke Emma.

"EMMA, CALM DOWN!", I yelled. But she just kept on repeating no. I tried slapping her, I tried splashing water in her face. But she wouldn't stop.

Finally, I decided on what to do. I realized Emma wasn't ready yet. She wasn't ready to be the savior and know all the real crap in her life. She wasn't ready to be my mother. Desperate times need desperate measures.

I kept my hand on her head and concentrated. Within minutes, I extracted the memory from her and replaced it with a normal conversation. She wouldn't remember anything about the flowers or anything about me messing up. After I was done, she fell asleep on the counter.

I sighed loudly and felt tears brim in my eyes. Why must my life be so complicated?


The next day was a Saturday and I was so exhausted that I slept in. No one came to disturb me, surprisingly. Around 10 am, I heard the front door open. I didn't even bother to see who it was. I just laid there, staring at the ceiling.

I heard footsteps come up the stairs and onto the loft. I turned my head to see Emma there, staring at me.

"Hey", she said.

I swallowed hard, still remembering all the disasters of last night. "Hey", I managed to say. "Did you get Regina?", I asked, trying to forget about last night.

"Nope. She got away", Emma said, ashamed.

I didn't even ask what happened. I just nodded and said, "sorry"

Emma sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. "Wanna hang out?"

The last thing I wanted to do was to be anywhere in Emma's general vicinity, but still, I nodded and got dressed.


We drove around in Emma's car the whole day, Emma explaining what happened with her plan to bust Regina. She took me deep into the woods, where a new playground had been installed.

"That's new", I mumbled.

"Yeah", Emma said. "Are you okay?", she asked me, parking outside the playground.

I shivered, and said, "Yeah. Just bummed out that Regina's gonna make you stay away from Henry"

"Well, I have an idea", she said, picking up a walkie-talkie. I recognized it as Graham's.

I looked at the playground to see Henry waving at us from the distance. I waved back.

"Why are you so far away?", Henry's voice came through the walkie-talkie. "Come over here, guys."

Emma sighed. I could see the disappointment in her eyes."Sorry, kid, I can't today."

I decided to let them talk and not interrupt.

"You're undercover, aren't you? For Operation Cobra?", Henry asked.

"No, Henry. I'm not undercover. Your mom – she doesn't want us seeing each other for a while."

"You don't have to listen to her."

"Actually, this time, I do. I screwed up, Henry. I got mad at your mom about you and the book and everything and... Well, we're just going to have to be apart for a little while.", she finished with another sigh. I felt like everything just kept on falling apart.

" I don't want to be apart."

"Neither do I. But, right now, we have to. Don't worry – I'll find a way back in. And hey. If it's out there, Henry – I will find your book.", Emma promised.

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