Fun with child labour.

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Freaking idiots, I thought as I scrubbed Mary Margaret's car clean. Someone had decided that it would be fun if they spray-painted the word TRAMP on the car windows. And let me tell you, scrubbing spray paint with detergent and water all evening after school is not at all fun. 

"Hey Piper!", a small voice called from behind, causing me to yelp and end up getting soap suds all over my face. I turned around to see it was just Henry.

"Hiya Henry", I said, emotionless, and turning back to get working.

"What does tramp mean?", Henry asked.

"Nothing", I said, not wanting to get into such a conversation with him.

"Is Mary Margaret okay? She didn't come to school for the past week.", Henry said. God, this kid never runs out of questions, does he?

"Yeah, she's just...bummed", I said, dropping my sponge and turning to look at him.

I saw that he got his storybook back. "Oh, where did you get that from?", I asked him.

"Emma found it. But it's different now. There's the story of Pinocchio in it now.", he said.

"Pinocchio, huh?", I said, smirking. I think I knew who took his book in the first place. 

I turned back and continued scrubbing. "Do you wanna hang?", I asked Henry. We hadn't got much time to talk or anything lately.

"Sure, but I thought you were busy with that?", he asked, pointing to the car.

"Yeah, about that", I said, contemplating what to do. I didn't want to let Mary Margaret down. "How do you feel about scrubbing?", I asked him, holding up another sponge.

"I'll do anything but go home", he said, taking the sponge.

"That's my boy", I said, smiling. It felt good to just talk with him and forget about everything else. 


After an hour of scrubbing, I took Henry to Granny's to have some pancakes. Mary Margaret has been trying her best to get up and forget what happened the past week. I would have stayed with her, but this was something she had to do on her own.

 People kept shooting glares at us at Granny's. I guess they didn't like the mayor's kid hanging out with the "tramp"'s daughter. 

I spotted Emma at a booth, reading a newspaper. I steered Henry by the shoulders to her booth and sat down.

Emma looked up at us. "Hey, Regina won't like me hanging out with you, Henry", she said, looking worried.

"It's just 10 minutes Emma", I said, rolling my eyes. "Besides, if she causes trouble, I'll handle her."

"What, you're gonna have a sass competition?", She said, chuckling.

"You read my mind, Swan", I said. We ordered some pancakes (with much glaring from Granny) and were just about to dig in when the bell at the front door rang and in came Mary Margaret.

She cleared her throat and said, "Excuse me". No one except me, Emma, and Henry paid her any attention. She cleared her throat again. "Can I have everyone's attention, please?"

Again, no one took notice. I could feel anger surging up inside me. I stood up and clanged my fork on the table. "It's rude not to listen when someone's talking, people!", I yelled. Some people looked at me before rolling their eyes and going back to their work. Granny was still glaring at me. 

Mary Margaret caught my eyes and shook her head, telling me to sit down. I sighed and sat back down, allowing her to handle the situation.

 "I'm sorry to interrupt your morning but I just wanted to remind everyone that a very special occasion is upon us. Miner's day.", she started. By now, people started to pay attention to her." As always, the nuns of Storybrooke are hoping that everyone will get involved and will help sell their exquisite candles.  All we need are a few energetic volunteers. So who wants to join me? "

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