I...think I have a crush.

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Remember the part where I blew up at Dean's mom? Where I threatened to "seriously injure him"? And that I had said that it would come back to haunt me later? Yeah well, it did. I just hate it when I am right. 

I got called to the principal's office today. And lo behold, Dean and his perfect mom were there. Principal Thomas lectured me on how I shouldn't threaten a fellow student. Oh, and he even made me apologize to them. That was quite embarrassing. 

To make matters worse, Mary Margaret entered the room, knocking on the door. "Sorry I am late", she said, panting.

She gave me a look that asked, What have you done now?.  I just stood there, shrugging. "Is everything alright?", she asked Principal Sarah Thomas, who motioned for her to sit down next to Mrs. Cinders.

"Miss Blanchard, did you know about the serious threat your foster daughter has delivered to Mr. Cinders?", Principal Thomas asked, adjusting her glasses. Oh come on, it wasn't that serious.

"Yes, but-", Mary Margaret started.

"And you didn't even make Piper send an apology to them?", she interrupted Mary Margaret.

"No, but-"

Yet again, Mary Margaret was interrupted." Miss Blanchard, when did you adopt Piper?", Principal Thomas asked, her voice stern.

"2 years ago, ma'am", she replied.

"You do realize if this sort of behavior continues from Piper, the court could send her back to the system?"

"Send me back?", I asked.

I thought Principal Thomas would lecture me for talking while adults were conversing, but her eyes softened, and said, "Yes, Piper. You're being with Miss Blanchard is quite... temporary. If more complaints come your way, I will have no choice but to report you. And along with Mary Margaret Blanchard's current status...", she trailed off, looking uneasy.

My heart skipped a beat. This could not be happening. "I am so sorry, Principal Thomas", I said, quickly. "I will not repeat it again. Trust me, You won't be having any trouble with me. Please don't report me.", I said. I know that must have sounded a bit like begging, but I didn't want to leave Mary Margaret. Especially not over something as small as this.

Principal Thomas thought for a moment and nodded, "Alright, I won't. If only Mrs. Cinders and Dean here have no problem with it."

"I don't have any problem at all with Piper, ma'am. You needn't report her. And You don't have to worry about her, she would never cause any trouble, I know her", Dean said, surprising me. Principal Thomas nodded, then looked at Mrs. Cinders.

Mrs. Cinders sat there, deep in thought. I hoped against hope that she would say it was okay. Then, Mary Margaret said, "Could I please have a moment alone with Mrs. Cinders?"

"Sure", Principal Thomas said. Mary Margaret and Mrs. Cinders left the room. I just stood there, staring at Dean, who stood at the opposite side of Principal Thomas' desk. After a few minutes of staring, I looked away, trying to not let tears fall down my face. Then, I looked up at him again and mouthed 'Thank you'. That was the least I could do for him. He nodded, smiling slightly, not wanting to get caught by Principal Thomas.

Mary Margaret and Mrs. Cinders entered the room. 

"Alright", Mrs. Cinders said. "I don't have any problem with her. It's alright."

I was so happy I would have hugged her. But I just stood there as Principal Thomas said, "Very well, then."

We all mumbled our thank yous and stepped outside.

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