Emma ruins my perfectly mischievous life.

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It was the Sunday after valentine's day and turns out, Mary Margaret's romantic day was just as good as mine. Though she refused to talk with me about it, I knew something had gone very wrong. And from her sulking and drinking, I could tell it was related to David.

I tried forgetting about the whole Dean deal. We did make up at school though, and it felt almost as normal as before, though there was an atmosphere of awkwardness when we were together. I only told about the incident to Emma, who- thankfully- didn't tell Mary Margaret, who would have been all over my case. 

I was walking to Granny's to see if Ruby needed my help when I collided with someone. I raised my head and realized it was Pinnochio- sorry, August. 

"You have got to stop literally bumping into me, kiddo", August said, lazily.

"What are you doing here?", I asked. I hadn't seen him for a couple of days, and truth be said, I like it better this way. He can be total douche sometimes.

"Cant people get a coffee around here?", he said, smirking.

"Not if they are weirdos named after a month", I retorted.

"Big talk coming from a girl named after plumbing equipment.", he said, joking.

I chuckled lightly.

"Anyway", August continued. "I am trying to get Emma's act together."

Realization slowly dawned on me. "Wait, what?"

"I asked her out", he said, nonchalantly.

"You WHAT?", I yelled. "Dude, you don't tell someone that you asked her mother out"

"It isn't a real date, drama queen. I'll try to convince her about the curse."

I scowled. I didn't like that idea at all. "Fine, just don't break her mind."

"Don't worry, since you have experience sorting out things like that, I'll come to you if that happens", he said pointedly. 

"Whatever", I said pushing past him.

"See ya later, Pipe!", he yelled from behind me.

I shook my head, smiling, and yelled, "Not at all looking forward to it, Calender!"


I entered Granny's and located Mary Margaret and Emma sitting at a table. They seemed deep in conversation.

"Everything", Mary Margaret was saying as I pulled up a chair.

"Everything what?", I asked, causing both the women to yelp.

"Jeez, kiddo", Emma sighed. In normal situations, I would have teased her about scoring a date. But now, I am not sure anymore. I hope August doesn't mess her mind up.

"Whatcha talking about?", I asked them, trying to forget all the curse shit.

"Nothing", Mary Margaret said, sipping her coffee.

I gave her a look. "Mary Margaret, your eyes widen to the size of saucers when you lie"

Mary Margaret sighed. Emma and Mary Margaret shared a look as if trying to send each other a message to shut up. Mary Margaret never hid anything from me. Unless...

"Is this about David?", I asked, not bothering to keep my voice low.

Emma and Mary Margaret started shushing me. I realized I talked a bit too loud and all eyes were on our table. Ruby shot me a smug look, knowing that we were talking about a guy.

"... David Tennant?", I said, trying to cover up. "Damn, he was a good Doctor. I loved his hair."

Emma rolled her eyes. People continued doing their stuff. 

"Is this about David?", I repeated, in a hushed tone.

"How did you know?", Mary Margaret asked, voice low.

"I have my ways", I said, looking mysterious.

Emma gave me a look.

I rolled my eyes. "Ok fiiiine, I might have followed Mary Margaret once when she went meet David. Or twice."

Emma kept on looking at me like she was hypnotizing me into giving her answers.

"Well...I was bored, so I kept on following her every time she left the house", I said, smirking.

"But you always say that you have algebra homework. Then how do you follow me?", Mary Margaret said, looking surprised.

"Seriously?", Emma asked her, looking amused. "You have known her for two years and you didn't know that algebra homework is code for I am gonna climb out through the fire escape?"

"Emma!", I whined. "Don't let out all my secrets! You're going to ruin my life!"

Mary Margaret looked as if she just realized that the sun rises in the east. "So wait... what does 'school project' mean?"

I whacked Emma's arm to stop her from spilling all my intelligent code words.

"That she's going to steal chocolate ice cream from the fridge", Emma said, ignoring me.

Mary Margaret opened her mouth to say something- possibly to accuse me of eating all the ice cream- but I cut her off. "Anyway", I said, glaring at Emma. "What's going on?"

"They're going to go official", Emma replied.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from squealing.

Mary Margaret glared at Emma. 

"Awww, this is awesome!", I whisper- shouted. "Dary is finally gonna happen. Emma, you owe me 10!"

Emma sighed and slipped me a bill. 

"Wait what?", Mary Margaret asked, confused.

"She bet me that you two will be official within a month.", Emma said, smiling.

Mary Margaret on the other hand was not amused. "You bet on your foster mother's love life?"

 "I need pocket money!", I said, raising my arms. "This is going to be so cool!"

Before I could continue fangirling, Ruby walked over to me and asked, "Wanna help? Or are you going to sit here and squeal all day long?

"Be there in a second", I said, still smiling. She nodded and walked off.

"You should start charging her money for all the work you have been doing around here", Emma said.

"Meh. I don't have anything else to do.", I said, getting up. I kissed Mary Margaret on the cheek and said, "Good luck. And please, button-up, you're embarrassing me", I joked, smirking.


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