I blow up (Not literally, that would be gross)

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Turns out selling a bunch of candles is harder than it looked. We walked door to door, but no one would even want to listen to what we have to say. It didn't help that I had yelled at most of them just a couple of hours ago.

Soon, we reached the Cinders' house. Mary Margaret looked at me sympathetically before saying, "If you want, we can skip his house"

"No", I replied. "It's fine" I hefted the box of candles and walked up to the door. I didn't know what their reaction would be. Dean and I hadn't talked ever since Kathryn's encounter with Mary Margaret. But I hoped he and his mother would be intelligent enough to not pay attention to the rumors. 

I rang the doorbell. Mrs. Cinders opened the door. She eyed me and Mary Margaret; there was no friendliness in her eyes. And that was when I knew that she did take the rumors seriously. Dean appeared at her side. My breath hitched in my throat. He nodded at me slightly, but there was stiffness in his gestures.

I forced myself to smile and say, "Hello, Mrs. Cinders! As you know, today is Miner's day and we were wondering if you'd like to buy a candle for-"

Mrs. Cinders interrupted with a tight smile. "I am sorry, we don't need any candles from you. You should leave.", she said, her eyes glaring nails into my head.

My previous attempt to keep calm melted away. I looked at Dean who looked, ashamed? sorry? I didn't even care.

"That's not very nice", I said, glaring at her.

"It's not you, it's your mother", she said, having no care whatsoever that she was talking about my mother who was literally standing behind me. 

"Mom-", Dean started, his eyes pleading.

"I told you, Dean. Stay away from her. They're all like this.", she whispered to him. Now, I know I should have looked from her point of view and stuff like that. I mean, for them, Mary Margaret was a homewrecker and it was only fair for her to keep her son away from me. But then, I didn't care.

"Yeah, right! We're all like this! What did Mary Margaret ever do to you, other than help every one of you in this town? ", I started. Mary Margaret clenched my arm, trying to make me stop. But I didn't. "She loved someone. That's all she ever did. David was the one who wronged her. Not the other way around! Wouldnt you go to any lengths to be with the man you love?", I asked, my voice rising with every word.

Dean and his mom were stunned. "I am sorry, but you need to leave", she said.

"Fine!", I said, stomping my foot. "And you know what? It's best your son stays away from me or I might seriously injure him.", I hadn't realized that I had just provided a threat but it would eventually come haunting back to me. "You hate me, I would take it as a compliment. But you hate my mother, I would not tolerate that! Good day to you!", I said, turning to leave. I didn't even wait to hear what they had to say. 

I walked to the curb, Leroy and Mary Margaret catching up to me. 

Leroy laughed out loud, "I didn't know you had that much fire in you, sister!"

Mary Margaret on the other hand looked horrified, "What did you just do, Piper?!"

"What I had to.", I said, keeping my face straight. I was afraid that if I looked at her, I would start bawling my eyes out. 

" You should not have done that!", she cried. "Oh god, you ruined any chances you had with him!"

I wheeled around, facing her. I dropped the box of candles down with a thump. "Ruin any chances with him? Are you even listening to yourself, Mary Margaret? I may be just 14, but trust me, I know when someone does something wrong to you. And what she did back there, was COMPLETELY and UTTERLY wrong! Do you really think I care about some guy more than I care about you? He wasn't the one who took me in, gave me food, gave me a place to sleep! It was you! And I won't let anyone downgrade you!", I said. 

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