I get a cupcake to the face (wait, actually, I get THREE cupcakes to the face)

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I decided to creep into the apartment rather than knocking. I silently took out my keys and unlocked the door slowly and carefully without making a peep. I turned the handle and slid in the room. I was going to let out my breath as I thought that Mary Margaret hadn't heard me but before I could even comprehend what was happening, something was thrown onto my face. Something soft and...Sugary. I backed against the wall in surprise and wiped my face. Frosting. Strawberry frosting? I looked to the counter to see Mary Margaret standing next to a huge tray filled with assorted cupcakes. I realized she had cupcake-smacked me right in the face.

"Mary Margaret!!", I exclaimed, wiping the rest of the frosting off my face. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

"That, was for leaving without saying anything!", Mary Margaret said. "And this, is for going all the way to Boston when you should have been doing your calculus homework", she said and threw a lemon cupcake at me.

Before I could even protest, she had thrown a chocolate cupcake at me. "And that was for putting yourself and Henry in danger!", she said, advancing at me. This lady has a totally different way of venting out her anger.

I wiped everything from my face and looked at her. "You know, that was a total waste of such good cupcakes", I said calmly. I knew she must be steaming up and half scared to death, but the best way to handle an angry Mary Margaret is by making her forget what I did.

"You could have told me, I would have gladly come with you.", she said.

"Trust me, I didn't wanna go either. But, Henry wanted to see his mother. And I couldn't say no to that cute little face."

"His mother?", Mary Margaret asked, now focused only on Henry. See, my tactic works perfectly.

I grabbed the tray of cupcakes and pulled Mary Margaret on to the couch and launched into a detailed explanation of the evening's adventures. I told about Henry's crazy obsession that the town was cursed (which I totally denied, of course) and about Emma.

"Well, I shouldn't have given him the book", Mary Margaret said finally, looking dejected.

"It isn't your fault, Mary Margaret. Henry just has a... vivid imagination.", I said, trying to comfort her. "Look on the bright side, now he found his birth mother. And a purpose; a goal, even though it's totally crazy.", I added, trying to imply that I don't believe that the town is cursed and that Emma could save it.

Mary Margaret smiled and looked at her watch. 12:20. Her smile fell and she turned on her 'mother mode'. "Go do your calculus homework and sleep!"


I worked through the corridor of the primary school. It was recess and I decided to meet Mary Margaret because I was bored. No, I don't have any friends to spend recess with. I could have made them hang out with me by tweaking their memories, but I didn't want to do anything with lip-gloss obsessed maniacs. I turned a corner and saw Mary Margaret walking beside someone who I was not at all expecting: Emma. Now that they are together, I realize they don't look anything like a mother and daughter, but like sisters.

I stalked over to them and asked Emma, "You didn't leave?". Of course she couldn't leave, I knew that.

"Nope, I got arrested for drinking and driving.", she said. "I mean, I wasn't really drunk. I saw a wolf or something and diverted too fast."

I nodded. "I see you have already met my foster mother, Mary Margaret."

"You're her mother?", Emma asked Mary Margaret. She looked surprised.

Mary Margaret nodded, smiling. She always liked to see people surprised when they realize that a 25 year old woman has a 14 year old daughter.

Emma turned more serious and asked me, "Henry is missing. You happen to know where he is."

"Henry's missing?", I asked, perplexed. He usually tells me all his plans, so he must have just gone to relax or to get away from his mother or something.

Emma and Mary Margaret nodded simultaneously.

The only place in Storybrooke that Henry would go to relax was in his castle, which was made by Marco (Geppetto). It was kind of a cruel joke; he was descended from a royal couple and ends up having a pretend castle instead of a real one.

"You might wanna check his castle", I said, smirking.


King Alvin stood in front of his father's dead body. His father had sacrificed his life to save a soldier during war. Moin, the Goblin King of Serpia, had tried to invade the prosperous land of Windaria. One of his soldiers had sent an arrow in the direction of an elf soldier who was busy fighting other goblins. King Syphyn saw this and planted himself in the middle of the arrow's path and saved the soldier's life.

The coronation had just finished and now it was time to spread King Syphyn's ashes in the gardens of the ancestors so that he could live on forever among the trees. . Many important elves said their thank yous and goodbyes. But King Alvin didn't say anything. She looked sideways to see his mother holding a two- year old Piper. She was crying and screaming like her life depended on it.

Just looking at her filled Alvin with rage and anger. His father used to love him and now, he died hating him. And it was all because of this stupid wanna-be. And for that, he'll never forgive her.


I sit on my study table, doing some research work on Isaac Newton. That guy ruined all of our lives with just one apple. Ugh, I wish he slept under a coconut tree or something.

After hours of working, I rubbed my eyes and looked outside my window. The stars were perfectly spread out over the little town of Storybrooke like a sparkly blanket. I looked over at the clock tower and couldn't believe what I was seeing. It showed 9:05. Time started moving again. This means Emma found Henry and he convinced her to stay. Things had already started to change for Storybrooke. But what I didn't know was that Emma staying will also change my entire life, turning it upside down.


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