How to drop a terrible bombshell: A lesson by Emma Swan

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By the time I had reached home, my back, my neck, my hand, my wrist, my head, my eyes and basically every part of my body was hurting as if they were a part of an old lady.  I had told Dean to leave whenever he wanted, but he was too stubborn and kept on scrubbing pots and pans. We left late in the evening and were too exhausted to even talk that we just walked in silence.

I entered the apartment, having only one goal in mind: crash onto my incredibly warm and soft bed. Then I remembered Ruby. Guess I would have to just make do with the squishy and lumpy couch. 

I decided to help myself to a bowl of cereal before crashing. I noticed a piece of paper on the counter. On it, a couple of words were scribbled in pencil, as if the person who wrote it was in a hurry. 

Piper, I'm sorry but I can't stay. Will explain later.

- Ruby

"Huh", I mumbled under my breath. I was too tired to even wonder why she had left so abruptly.

Munching on my cereal, I heard a jingle of keys and saw the door open. Emma entered and closed the door behind her. One look at her face and I knew something was wrong.

"Want some ice cream?", I asked her, trying to make her comfortable.

"Piper...", she started.

"What? You love ice cream. We can have a contest if you-"

"No. It's not that", Emma said interrupting me. She looked very tired. She sat beside me and put a hand on my shoulder. "We need to talk"

"Yeah, well, that's usually Mary Margaret's line.",  I said, trying to joke. "Where is she anyway? Did you see her on the way home?"

"That's what I want to talk about", she said, sighing. "You know about Kathryn going missing, right?"

"Yeah", I said, slowly. "Oh no- is she?", I started, horrified.

"Yeah", she said, hesitating. "But here's the thing. We found a box in the woods. With a human heart"

"Oh", I said. Normally, I would have said something like 'cool' or something but now, it just filled me with dread.

"There were fingerprints on the box"

"Who did it?", I asked her, eagerly. "Did you catch them? Are they arrested?"

"It was Mary Margaret", Emma said. (Now I get how Henry got his habit of dropping bombshells at oblivious people)

"Wh-what?", I asked, stuttering. It cant be. Maybe I heard something wrong.

"The fingerprints. They were Mary Margaret's"

With those two sentences, my life was gonna be so much more messed up than it already was.


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