When a volcano erupts.

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I wake up to the stupid beeping of my alarm clock. The thing kept on droning and made me feel as if nails were being hammered deep into my skull. I groaned and turned it off, getting up for the day. I stretched and yawned, grabbing a towel and getting into the shower. When I came outside, I heard something break downstairs. I gather my backpack and books and hurry downstairs to see if everyone was okay.

When I reached downstairs, it was like Ragnarok was going to start. The news channel was on the TV, Emma watching intently. The newsperson was saying that Strybrooke was going to get hit with a huge storm. Apart from that, I saw Mary Margaret bustling around the room, making breakfast, grabbing her coat with a toothbrush in her mouth. She spat toothpaste into the sink and tried to grab her glass of orange juice, but accidentally bumping it, causing it to fall down with another crash. Turns out, it was her second glass of orange juice that she'd smashed that day. Mary Margaret skipped around the glass and went to stuff books in her bag.

"Are you trying to break the house down? 'cause if you are, I'll be happy to help.", I said, grabbing a towel to clean up the mess.

"I can't believe I overslept!", Mary Margaret exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"It's only 7:10, you still have plenty of time for school", Emma says, leaning on the counter. She was in jeans and a t-shirt and her usual red jacket along with her Sherriff's badge.

"No, I have to be there at 7:15", Mary Margaret replied, grabbing her keys.

"Why?", I ask her, cleaning away the glass shards.

"Science fair. I am helping the kids with a project. We're making a volcano.", She said, leaving fast, closing the door with a bang.

"Okay", Emma said, confused.

I finished cleaning up and straightened."You do know the science fair isn't going to start until 4 months?"

Emma thought for a while and then we both said simultaneously, "David."


Emma and I followed Mary Margaret to Granny's to find that she was indeed stalking David Nolan. He came to buy coffee for him and his wife when Mary Margaret just 'happened' to be at Granny's. They talked for a while and then he left. Emma made a disapproving face. I found Mary Margaret and David kinda cute.

"You go on to school, I'll have a talk with the stalker. I'm pretty sure she would have memorized everything he does by now", Emma said, walking towards Mary Margaret.

"Hmm, kay. Buh-bye", I said and turned only to hit something hard. I looked up, massaging my forehead, and saw a guy, wearing a black leather jacket. I haven't seen him around. Oh, wait. Emma had told me about this new stranger in town. I didn't have much time to worry about the fact that he came to Storybrooke even though it was cursed.

I mumbled a quick sorry and started walking away. The guy kept eyeing me weirdly. Like... like he knew something. Like he knew me. I know that sounds crazy, but you know that look you give to someone that you know but don't know that much to go say hi? Yea, that was the exact look that guy gave me. I didn't know if he was just generally a weird guy or if he was connected to this somehow.

I shook off the feeling and went to school.


Lunchtime was crazy as always. People waste food more than they eat. Assholes. I grabbed my tray of food, went into the school garden, and sat in my usual place; on a park bench hidden away from anyone. I had found this bench the first week I got here. It was rickety then, broken down and dangerous. But I fixed it up with a little help from Marco.

I sat down and was about to bite into my sandwich when I heard a familiar snickering. "This the place where you hide?", Dean Cinders asked me, leaning against a tree with a burrito in his hand.

"Those man-beasts inside are wasting so much food that it can probably be used to feed all the orphans in the country", I said, my voice seething.

Dean raised his arms in surrender, "I don't like it too."

"Wanna join me?", I asked, biting into my sandwich.

He nodded and sat down and started eating his burrito. "Deano, Deano eating a burrito", I said in a singsong voice. "You have such nerve stealing from the Sherriff's house", I said, smirking.

"I am awesome, huh?", he said, smirking and chewing.

"So, what'd you get out of it?"

"half a Twix bar", he said, shrugging.

"half a Twix bar? that's it?", I asked, glaring at him.

"Turns out there are far better thieves than me. People have all sorts of Fiona Shine merchandise. Makes one wonder how in the world the girl continues to be blanketed in concealer and blush"

I was about to say something a bit meaner about Fiona, but an ear-piercing school announcement stopped me from doing that. "The school is out early due to an oncoming storm- " the rest of the announcement was drained by the loud hollering of hyperactive kids rushing out of the school.

I got up and said to Dean, raising my voice a little to be heard over the noise, "See ya later, Deano"

"Later, princess", he said, smiling.

I glared at him. "Don't call me that.", I said, my voice so rough, that it didn't feel like my voice. I hated when someone even said a word that reminded me of my past.

"What?", Dean asked, confused.

"Nothing", I said, and gathered my stuff up. I started running back home.


I looked up at the dark clouds. My blonde hair was being swept sideways by the harsh wind. And it was so cold that my teeth shattered. I decided to camp in at Granny's until the storm settled a bit. Mostly, I just wanted a hot chocolate.

I entered the place, the bell ringing my arrival. I scanned for an empty booth, but all were occupied. I guess everyone had the same idea I had.

"Hey, care to join for a drink?", an unfamiliar voice asked from my left. I turned to see the stranger sitting in a booth, staring at me. I stared back and then I realized that he was talking to me.

"Uhh", I started, not sure what to say.

"Oh come on! Once you see what I have got to show you, you will definitely join me for the drink.", he said, smirking.

I looked at him, confused. I knew better than to trust a stranger, but we were in a public place, and if things went wrong, I had a few specific sets of skills that will help me.

I sat down opposite him. "So, who are you?", I asked, trying to make small talk.

"First things first, cutie pie", he said. I scowled. His smirk was beginning to irk me. And that nickname; he talks like he has known me my whole life. Not possible, though.

He reached to a large box on the table and opened it. Inside was a typewriter. And when I saw the piece of paper on it, I felt like a volcano in my mind erupted, filling me with lava. The piece of paper on it had the words: I know who you are, princess. 

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