I was born in a flower (Shut up, don't laugh)

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I kept on coughing until I thought I was going to die. Henry stood up, and slapped me on the back which was pretty useless. After a few minutes, I calmed down. And when I calmed down, I remembered why I was choking halfway to death. Henry's mother is Emma? Wait....does that mean Henry is my half-brother? Holy- that is so messed up!

"Hey, Piper. Are you okay?", Henry asked, concerned.

"Yea, Yea. I am fine. Just...drank my coffee the wrong way.", I replied, trying to sound calm. I know you guys might be wondering why I was freaking out like this, but I just realized I have another brother! (Yes, another brother because my dad has many other kids with his royal wife.)

"Did you hear what I said? I know who my real mother is!", Henry said.

"Yea, I heard alright", I said, keeping my panic aside for when I was alone.

"And I am going to get her tonight.", Henry said.

I let that sink in. Then I realized what he was saying. "Henry, are you crazy?", I asked, whisper-shouting. "You're going to go alone to who-knows-where to get to a woman who you are not even entirely sure is your mother!"

"Not who-knows-where, I am going to Boston. And I know it's my mother, Piper. I can feel it. Tell me; wouldn't you go to your mother if you had the chance? To ask her why she gave you away?"

I sighed. I was so tempted to track down Emma and to show her that I exist, but I didn't do it. And I'll tell you right now. I was scared. I was scared of the possibility that she might not believe me, or she might hand me down to an orphanage. I have been ignored and shunned away my whole life. I can't go through that pain again. Not when she's the one inflicting it. I considered her a good person and its best if it stayed that way.

I didn't reply. I sat there, contemplating what to say.

"I know you will, Piper. But this is more than that, we need to bring her here so she can break the curse!", Henry said.

"NO, you can't do that Henry. It's far too dangerous. You are a ten year old for god's sake!", I cried

"I thought at least you will support me. But you are just like her. Like mom. You don't care about me, you think I am crazy.", Henry said, looking down.

I sighed deeply. I leaned forward and grabbed his hands. "Look, I do care about you; I do trust you and I do believe you. But you can't go alone, Henry. You just can't."

"Then come with me! Please.", Henry pleaded.

"Henry... I am just 14... You think I can protect you?"

"Yes you can! Please, Piper. Come with me. We need to bring her here. We need to bring her to her parents.", Henry said.

I sighed again, finally giving up. Better to go with him to do a crazy thing than letting him do it alone. When he goes there and sees that Emma doesn't want anything to do with him, he'll understand.

"Fine, I'll go with you", I said, groaning. "But you better buy me lasagna for dragging me into this."

Henry nodded so fast that I thought that his head will come off. He grinned ear to ear.

"Come on then!", he said, dragging me from my seat.

"Okay, okay, okay. I am coming", I said. This was going to be a long night.


The poppy flower at Prince Alvin's bedside table was now bulging that it looked like it was pregnant. As a matter of fact, it is pregnant. Pregnant with Emma Swan and Prince Alvin's child. After his meeting with the beautiful Emma, he couldn't get her out of his head. All day and night, he sat in his bedroom, staring at Emma's picture that he had taken at the park. And eventually, the magic in him started working and created a fetus in the flower next to his bed. That's how a baby of an elf and a human was born in Windaria.

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