Jamie Scott pulverizes me

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I reached school and the PB & J sandwich I had for breakfast was not cooperating at all. I swallowed hard and went to my classes as usual. The quiz was in the evening, at 7 pm, to make it comfortable for parents to attend.


By 6:30, even my lunch was refusing to stay in my stomach. I looked through the curtain and saw about 50 people sitting. I quickly looked away and started to go to my seat. Kathryn Nolan, the quizmaster for the evening, stopped me and asked, "Pre-show jitters?"

"Oh yeah, all my cells are doing the tango.", I said, smiling nervously.

"It's okay, just breathe. you'll do great.", she said and started walking to the podium. I liked Kathryn. She was always nice to me.

I went and took my seat. Opposite me, Jamie Scott cracked her knuckles and gave me a look that is socially considered rude.

Finally, the curtains raised after a few long, excruciating minutes. Kathryn started her speech and welcomed everyone. I couldn't even hear her properly; I and Jamie were locked in a death glare. Finally, I broke the glare to check if Mary Margaret could make it. Sadly, she couldn't. It doesn't matter, at least she would have found something about Prince Charming.

The quiz started and I answered the question before Jamie.

40 minutes and 30 questions later, I and Jamie were neck to neck with 15 points each. I felt pretty fine now, all the nervousness washing away.

But all of my hopes got burst like a balloon within the next 5 minutes. Jamie answered another question, leaving her one point ahead of me. I didn't sweat much about it, though. I was positive I could get back at her soon. But then, Mayor Regina Mills decided to crash my party. She burst in through the double doors at the end of the auditorium and stopped Kathryn halfway through a question. Regina grabbed the microphone from her hand and said, "Sorry to interrupt this..", she looked around and said, voice heavy with sarcasm, "exciting event. But I am afraid I need to borrow Mrs. Nolan and I hereby declare that this competition is stopped halfway. Thank you for your cooperation."

I couldn't believe it! The stupid lady destroyed all my hard work! Now, Jamie was going to win!

I wouldn't let this happen. As Regina started pulling a surprised Kathryn away, I stood up and said, "With all due respect, Madam Mayor, this is outrageous! You can't just stop an event halfway through and- "

"Do sit down, Ms. Blanchard. You must learn to respect your elders. One more word from you, and I will ensure that you will be suspended for a week.", Regina said, looking at me triumphantly.

Suspension because I stood up to her? That is so damn stupid. Nevertheless, I sank into my seat, looking at the smirking face of Jamie Scott.

Regina still wasn't done with me. She came closer to me and whispered so that only I could hear her, "Would you look at that? You lost. Just like your foster mother." My eyes widened as I let her words sink in. What in the world was she talking about?

She smirked at me and left with Kathryn.

Archie grabbed the mike and congratulated Jamie on her win. I got up from my seat and walked out of the auditorium; I didn't wanna hear anything about Jamie and her new shiny trophy. I was more concerned about what Regina told me. Something has happened. I could feel it in my bones.


I went to the apartment, looking for Mary Margaret. She wasn't there. I was getting scared by the minute. I speed walked to Granny's. Maybe she just dropped in there for a drink or something. Hopefully.

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