I replace Little Red Riding Hood (Not nearly as fun as it sounds)

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I entered Granny's, a couple of white roses in my hands. I didn't know if Granny would like them, but I just had to do something. I had acted out of haste and didn't want her to hate me for yelling in her restaurant. Besides, I love her lasagna and I can't have them if she isn't on good terms with me.

"Hiya Granny!", I said, cheerfully, placing the roses on the counter.

"Oh, hello there, Piper", she greeted back. There was still a glimmer of friendliness in her eyes. I caught hold of that and said, "Listen, I am so sorry about what happened the other day... I shouldn't have shouted at someone much elder than me"

"It's fine", Granny said, smiling slightly. "I acted a bit unfair too. Just because of Mary Margaret... But anyway, you're welcome to come over anytime you want"

"That's great, Granny", I said, smiling widely, handing her the roses. She nodded. I asked, "I'll come around after school if you need help?"

"Yeah, I might need that. Ruby is too busy flirting with everyone.", she said, eyeing Ruby, who was talking with August. 

I chuckled and ordered hot cocoa. Good to get my brain started before school. After finishing my drink, I got up and moved to the door, giving August a mocking bow. He waved back in return.

I left for school, feeling happy about getting back my lasagna privileges.


I entered school, dreading first-period math. I walked over to my locker and got my ridiculously large math book. 

"Hey, Pipes!", someone said from my right side, startling me. I closed the locker door to see it was Dean. Suddenly my hot cocoa churned in my stomach and my heart high jumped. God that was such a weird feeling.

"Hiya", I said, hefting my textbook. 

"Wanna hang out?", he asked me, leaning against the lockers.

"Uh- we're in school", I said, quite lamely. God, where was my stock of sassy comebacks?

"After school, Pie", he said, chuckling.

"Pie?", I asked, smiling and tilting my head. "You wanna have pie after school?"

"No", he said continuing to chuckle. "It was my poor attempt at making a nickname for you"

"Yeah well, it's so sweet it's giving me diabetes", I said. "And yeah, I wanna hang out after school. My place?", I asked casually. Inside, my intestines were unraveling themselves. Why did I invite him to my house? Oh no...I had other plans. "Oh wait", I said. "I promised Granny I would help her around the restaurant. You wouldn't want to get your pretty hands dirty.", I said smirking.

"Oh these hands can make pancakes, comb his little brother's hair, and toss his mom her keys when she runs late for work", he said, showing his hands off. "I think I can handle some grilled cheese and orange juice"

"Alright then, 4 o clock at Granny's, Dean-o", turning around and waving back at him.


I entered my room after school to change when I was surprised to see Ruby in there, sitting on my bed. 

"Hey, Piper!", she said, cheerfully.

"Uh-hi", I said. "Uhh-- not to be rude or anything, but what exactly are you doing in my room?"

"Oh. Mary Margaret and Emma invited me to stay over for a couple of days after I had a fight with Granny. I didn't think you'd have a problem with it, sorry", she said sadly.

"What? no", I exclaimed. "I am totally fine with it. It's just no one gave me a heads up. But trust me, I love sleeping on the couch after watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for the 500th time", I said, smirking.

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