Chapter Fifteen

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Three months later, Nick woke up and saw Brizee gone. He got up and got dressed and looked into the nursery and saw Jason gone from his crib. He went downstairs and found his wife and son in the kitchen. Brizee was holding Jason as she cooked.

"Morning, baby," Nick said kissing her forehead.

"Morning," Brizee said as he took Jason. He looked at his son and smiled.

"Hey buddy," Nick said.

"He is looking more like his daddy every day," Brizee said.

"Yes, he is, but he has your nose," Nick said.

"The guys and girls are coming over, with the kids," Brizee said. Nick sat down at the table.

"What's up," Nick said.

"I don't know, Brian and Leighanne called for the meeting," Brizee said.

"Oh, I bet I know," Nick said.

"Oh gosh, I think she's pregnant, she said she was wanting more kids, she said she didn't want Baylee to be an only child," Brizee said. She finished cooking and made him a plate. She took Jason as he ate. She sat down. He looked at her.

"Honey, this is so good," Nick said. He continued eating. He finished and he took Jason and she made a plate and ate while he played with Jason. The doorbell rang. Nick got up with Jason and went to the door and opened it and saw Kevin and Kristin with Mason.

"Hey guys," Nick said.

"Hey Nick, hey little man," Kevin said smiling at Jason. Jason looked and gurgled.

"Hey Kris," Nick said.

"Hey Nicky," Kristin said hugging him and smiling at Jason. They went into the living room.

"Where's Briz," Kevin said.

"Eating breakfast, she held Jason while I ate and then I held him while she ate, she was still eating when you guys came, I should help her clean up," Nick said. Kevin took Jason and Nick went into the kitchen.The doorbell rang. Kristin got up and opened it and saw AJ and Rochelle.

"Hey guys," Kristin said. They came in and saw Kevin holding Jason and playing with Mason.

"Where's Nick and Briz?" AJ asked.

"Kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast," Kristin said. AJ looked in and saw Brizee and Nick in a heated kiss by the sink. He ducked out and joined Kevin in the living room and played with the boys. Rochelle and Kristin sat down. The doorbell rang. AJ got up and opened the door and saw Howie and Leigh with James. They came in. James joined Mason on the floor. Howie and Leigh sat down. Brizee and Nick came in from the kitchen.

"Hey guys," Brizee said.

"Get the kitchen cleaned up?" AJ asked.

"Yup," Nick said.

"Um, I don't know how you could with your tongue down Brizee's throat," AJ said.

"AJ!" Rochelle said.

"They weren't cleaning, they were kissing," AJ said.

"You were spying on us," Nick said.

"I was coming in to say hi to you guys and saw you guys kissing so I ducked out," AJ said. The doorbell rang. Brizee got up and opened the door and saw Brian, Leighanne, and Baylee.

"Hey guys," Brizee said.

"Hey Briz," Brian said hugging her. Leighanne hugged her. Baylee hugged her and joined Mason and James. Jason had ended up in Howie's arms. They all sat down.

"So what's the meeting about," Kevin said.

"Well, me and Leighanne are having a baby, Baylee is going to be a big brother!" Brian said.

"I knew it!" Brizee said.

"Briz," Leighanne said.

"She guessed what the meeting was about from a conversation you guys had," Nick said.

"Remember, you told me you wanted another child," Brizee said. Leighanne looked at her.

"Oh my gosh, I remember that," Leighanne said.

"Congratulations, you guys," Brizee said hugging them.

"Thanks," Brian said. Everyone hugged them.

"While everyone is here, we have some news, Leigh is pregnant again," Howie said. Everyone hugged them.

"Wow, two Backstreet babies at once," AJ said.

"Make that three," Rochelle said.

"What," AJ said.

"Surprise, we are having a baby," Rochelle said. AJ hugged and kissed her.

"Wow, this is pretty big news," Kevin said.

"You bet, only thing that would make it bigger was if Brizee and Kristin announced they were pregnant, too," Brian said looking at them.

"Sorry, guys, not ready for another one quite yet, Jason is only three months, that's too soon," Brizee said.

"How far apart are you and your brother," Brian said.

"Four years," Brizee said.

"You guys aren't waiting that long," Leighanne said.

"No, we aren't following in anyone's footsteps, we are going with the flow, when it happens, it will happen," Brizee said looking at Nick who hugged her.

"Kris and I haven't talked about having another kid," Kevin said. Kristin nodded.

"We know we want another one, but we are like Brizee and Nick, just going with the flow," Kristin said. Kevin held her hand.

"So sorry, guys, only three Backstreet babies this time around," Brizee said. Jason was passed into her arms and she held her son. Nick kissed his son's head.

"Okay, then, now what do you guys think of the odds of having a backstreet baby girl," AJ said.

"I don't know, maybe it will happen to you," Howie said.

"Probably so," AJ said.

"Hey guys, Nick and I were talking while I was in labor with Jason, when we have another baby and it's a girl, we are naming her Leslie Jane," Brizee said.

"That's perfect, I know Leslie would like that," Brian said.

"We know, Jane said that," Brizee said.

"Jane is really making up for everything, isn't she," Leighanne said.

"Yeah, she's the doting grandmother, she was here over the weekend," Brizee said. She looked at Jason and hugged him close to her.

"What happened," AJ said.

"She got on Brizee's nerves, I had to ask her to leave," Nick said.

"You guys were getting along so well," Kevin said.

"Until she tried to tell Brizee how to raise my son, she told me that Brizee wasn't doing anything right, that she wasn't being a good mother to Jason," Nick said.

"What," Brian said.

"Jane is so wrong, I've watched you with Jason, Briz, you are a terrific mother," Leighanne said.

"Yes, she is, Jason couldn't have a better mom," Nick said kissing Brizee's forehead.

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