•maccready x female reader•

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The Commonwealth's best mercenary. That's what they all called me, anyways. There was never a hit that I couldn't complete and people knew that. The amount of blood on my hands was countless, but that's just how life is around here. You either kill or be killed.

This time around, however, I had been given a seemingly tough request. Two gunners had shown up at my place, requesting a hit on some man named Maccready. Their names were Winlock and Barnes, and I could trust them about as far as I could throw them.

Regardless of my personal feelings, unfortunately the guy had to die. He was a former gunner himself, but he had escaped from their clutches. He knew too much, but it wasn't my business to know what information. It was just my job to make sure a bullet was delivered through his skull.

I gave them a hefty fee, considering that I had heard his name in passing. All that meant is he was someone who meant something, so I could get away with a few extra caps.

All my usual leads pointed to the lovely hole known as Goodneighbor, so I decided that's where I needed to head to first. I knew Hancock well, so I could usually get away with most hits in Goodneighbor... for the price of a few chems for the lovely mayor.

My grip on my pistol tightened as I slinked through the large gates of the piss-ridden town. Shady characters drifted around every corner, but a few familiar faces stuck out as a friendly welcome.

I felt Fahrenheit's cool eyes staring me through an alleyway, and I jokingly aimed my pistol right at her head. I heard her soft laugh as she slipped back into the smoke of the back alleys of Goodneighbor.

Turning back to my objective, I determined it was best to poke around at the Third Rail. Charlie or Magnolia was likely to know something about my mysterious target.

Ham nodded as I sauntered down the staircase. The loud serenade of Magnolia filled my brain. A few heads turned my way, and then flitted back to whatever they were previously occupied by.

I slipped through the people and up to the bar, earning the Aussie-bot's attention. "Whad'da want today, mate?" he inquired, his appendages wildly maintaining the bar.  

"A beer and some information," I quipped, sitting down in one of the rusted barstools. A cool beer was carelessly slung in my direction, slowly rattling back and forth in front of me.

Charlie floated back to me, stopping his bartending for just enough time to hear me out. "I need to know about some former gunner who goes by MacCready," I stated, my cool eyes staring back to the robot's dilating camera.

I took a swig of my beer, placing it back down forcefully, along with a few caps. "Fine, fine," he muttered, collecting up the sum I left on the counter, "Though, please, no blood in my bar again. It took Codsworth and I a bloody age to get that cleaned. And I hate that British fool's yapping."

"Got it," I smirked, running my finger around the lip of my beer, "No more hits in the bar."

"I met the guy about two hours ago," he sighed, pointing towards the room in the back, "Seemed like a nice chap. Wanted a nap in the back for a lil bit."

"Thank you, Charlie," I said as I stood up, finishing the beer in a quick glup, "That's all I needed to know."

I stealthily started off towards the back room. Something felt off about it. For the sum I was able to get for this man's head, it seemed a little too easy.

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