•nick valentine x female reader•

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TRIGGER WARNING: this is fallout, so there will be heavy subjects. however, this chapter does contain some sexual assault, so just a heads up. Love y'all :)

"If you'd be a dear, it would really help out Goodneighbor if you could scout out Pickman's... for a few caps of course?" Hancock rasped, his hand resting comfortably on the crook of his neck.

I clicked my tongue softly, weighing out the options. Hancock seemed to be nice enough, if not stoned out of his mind.

Hancocks dark eyes sized me up before he rested his back against the wall. Nick stepped up to my side, placing his cool hand on my shoulder.

I jolted at the touch, craving for more of his body pressed against my own. Silly how one single touch could send my heart into a frenzy.

"So? You up for it?" Hancock inquired again, slight impatience lacing his tone. I snapped out of my trace of lust and met the ghoul's eyes with my own.

"I'll do it." I responded, running my fingers through my darkened hair, "When do you want this done?"

"As soon as you're willing to."

I glanced over at Nick, and he responded with his shrug of approval. "I'll start today." I replied, beginning to walk towards the winding staircase.

"Uh, Willow, is it?" Hancock asked, pushing himself from off the wall. His dark eyes relayed an expression of concern before he sighed softly.

"Stay safe."

"I have thus far." I answered, sending Hancock a quick, comforting smile. He grinned back and turned towards his office.

Nick's shoulder brushed against my own as he went to open the door for me. Another jolt wracked its way through my system, causing me to startle slightly.

"What? I shock you or somethin'?" Nick joked, sending a heart-stopping smirk towards me.

"N-no," I giggled nervously, before stepping towards the exit, "Just tired."

Nick cocked his brow and just decided to dismiss the issue. I strolled past him, breathing in the smell of piss and garbage; the familiar smell of the Commonwealth.

"Sometimes I'm glad I can't smell." Nick commented again, his yellow eyes surveying the landscape around us, "It looks repulsive enough, can't imagine the smell."

"You don't want to." I laughed back, covering my nose for dramatic effect.

The two of us continued friendly banter and chit-chat along the short walk to Pickman's. Before we knew it, the rickety, old building came into our line of sight.

"Hey! Who's there?" a nervous raider's voice called out across the parking lot.

"Probably scum." Nick remarked, crouching down behind the same truck as I was. I felt his closeness radiating next to me, and my breathing hitched in my throat.


A gunshot ricocheted off the side of the truck, causing a humiliating screech, my humiliating screech, to fill the air. I grabbed my trusted 10mm from the holster and looked down the glow sights.

An ugly, twisted face of a raider bore back at me, and I didn't even hesitate as I squeezed the worn trigger. The familiar bang filled my ears as the bullet ripped through the raiders chest. He crumpled to the ground, and I hastily reloaded the magazine.

Nick let out a shaky laugh and placed his hand on my shoulder reassuringly. I laughed back, the adrenaline causing me to feel a weird emotion that lay between fear and euphoria.

fallout x reader one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ