•paladin danse x male reader•

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"It's three in the morning."

Danse's bleary eyes surveyed me with a quick up and down glance. I was slightly anxious but indefinitely determined. I had stayed up into the ungodly hours of the Commonwealth's daunting night to finish the mods on my power armor. It was finally able to sustain me against the rads and creatures of the Glowing Sea. I was one step closer to finding my son.

"I know, but I finished it Danse," I slurred, exhausted, "It's ready to go."

Despite the darkness of his bedroom, I could see his dark eyes spark. He was always proud of me, but especially when I completed mods for the armor Sanctuary housed. "I'm impressed, soldier," he complimented, his voice raspy from being woken up from sleep.

Here's where the scary part came in. "D-do you think we could go now?" I asked timidly, feeling ever so intimidated by the Paladin.

"If you want me to help you out, you're going to have to speak above a whisper."

"Danse. I want to go to the Glowing Sea. Now. With you." I practically shouted, having little patience due to the late hours of the night.

"Do you want to wake up the entire settlement?" he snapped, sitting up enough to clasp his hand over my mouth. I pouted behind his calloused grip, crossing my arms across my chest like a small child.

He sighed loudly, his hand limply falling from my lips. I still stood with intertwined arms and my hip cocked out slightly, waiting for his response. He seemed to be thinking about it, brows furrowed in thought, before looking at me once more.

"You really want to go now?" he grumbled, chewing on his bottom lip.

I nodded, unfurling my arms to push my hair back from my eyes. "It's for Shaun," I whispered back, my voice cracking slightly, "I feel like I'm really close to getting somewhere... but I could just go alone I guess." I judged from Danse's look that he wasn't going to accompany me, so I began to leave.

A warm grip latched around my arm, yanking me back to its source. I stumbled forwards, almost falling onto the Paladin's bed. His dark countenance bore back at me, this time with gentleness rather than coldness.

"Start brewing coffee while I get ready, okay?" he said, his hand still not leaving my forearm.

"Yes sir!" I chirped, slipping away from him and out the door, still feeling his gaze on my back as I skipped away.

•time skip•

The sound of a raging radiation storm echoed through our ears as we entered into the whirlpool of the Glowing Sea. We were barely into it and were faced with some of the most deadly mutated creatures we had ever seen.

"Is that a green Deathclaw?" I inquired to Danse.

"Looks that way," he sighed back, "This is going to suck."

I looked over at him, unable to see his face. For once, he was wearing a helmet to protect himself from the radiation. Part of me detested not being able to see him; I was rather used to watching the stoic expressions of the Paladin. He sometimes would break out of his 'tough boy' role around me and smile and crack jokes, and I loved seeing the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled and hearing his deep laugh when something made him laugh.

I turned and faced forward again, fearful that I was staring for too long at him. He followed my lead as we weaved through the vast landscape, sneaking past as many creatures as we could. I was focused on finding Virgil to help us in finding our way into the Institute.

"I've noticed you haven't stopped at every new location that popped up on your Pip-Boy," Danse chimed, and I could hear the smirk on his face.

"I want to find Virgil before I do anything else," I replied, glancing back at Danse only to be disappointed by the helmet of his power armor yet again.

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