•deacon x female reader•

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"Deacon! Come help us out, ya lazy shit!" Cait barked, causing a loud crash to sound from outside, followed by a disheveled looking Deacon appearing in front of us.

"How can I be of service, ladies?" he purred, leaning his slender frame against the doorway of the house. His always flirtatious tone still caused me to swoon, even after all this time of knowing him.

"We found all these old boxes, from before the war. Mine and Nate's old stuff," I responded, patting the ground next to me, "Cait and I wanted to see what we could find. And we know how you love old prewar things."

Deacon's mouth lifted in a slight smile as he nodded his head. "I'll help on one condition. Food. In my stomach. Now," I shot him a glare, and he added a meek 'please?' at the end of his request.

Cait hopped up to her feet and said, "I want some booze too, so I gotcha." She slinked out the door, leaving Deacon and I alone to sift through boxes.

His hands latched around something, and he yanked it out from the clutter. It was my old law degree.

"What's this?" he questioned, handing the degree to myself. I let out a small laugh; sometimes I forgot that people here didn't have any idea what college really was.

"I was a lawyer, and this certificate basically tells the world I did my training, so I can get a job," I answered, laying on the floor next to me, taking mental note to hang that on the wall later.

"Wow! So jobs before the war didn't always involve killing people," Deacon joked, continuing to rummage through my horde of items.

I giggled back at Deacon's humor before resuming my own digging. I felt my hand land on some ribbon like thing, and I tugged it out of the mound of stuff.

In my hand emerged an assortment of old swimming metals from my childhood. Deacon's eyes trained onto the awards, his scavver eyes clearly admiring the shininess of the cheap metal.

I handed him the metals for him to treasure; his blue eyes scanned over the engraved lettering. His head perked up as his mock-announcer voice practically yelled, "Awarded to Willow of the Cypress Creek pool! First place of the 2054 championship!"

"Oh my swim metals!" I exclaimed, immediately digging through the box to try and find more of them.

"2054. You would've been... 7?" Deacon inquired, continuing to look over the other metals that now lay scattered on the ground.

"Mhm," I quickly responded, triumphantly hoisting the metal I wanted to find in the air. "This was my Junior Olympics metal. This was in 2062, so I was 15."

"I dunno what the Olympics are, but it seems prestigious. So you were a 'swimmer swimmer,'" he remarked, seeming to stare at me in awe.

"Yeah," I blushed, rubbing the back of my neck anxiously, "But that was the past. Now I'm a professional... wastelander?"

Deacon chuckled before standing up and ruffling my hair affectionately. "Cait hasn't come back. I'm going to find her, make sure she isn't having sex or doing drugs," he stated, stretching his back out slowly. I sent him a friendly smile as he slipped out the door.

"Bye, dumbass!" I yelled after him, and I could hear his friendly laugh echoing down the hallway.

A now languish expression overcame my features as I thought about Deacon some more. I feared - yet loved - that I might be falling for this charismatic and charming fool of a man.

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