•hancock x male reader #1: pt.1•

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!spoilers for bobbi-no-nose's quest in goodneighbor!

Hancock and I didn't get along, to put it gently. He was a brash, overconfident, bumbling fool who got an inflated ego because of some drugs paired with a 'life altering encounter with a founding father.' Despite my affinity for the community of Goodneighbor that Hancock, in his own, stupid way, brought to life, I still found myself unable to get along with the guy. 

That's why I decided to take on the odd job of a shady woman called "Bobbi-No-Nose." She was a seemingly self-named ghoul who was hellbent on infiltrating the Diamond City stronghold. I knew she was shady off the bat, but a few odd caps couldn't hurt. Besides, even though I didn't like Hancock, the race of ghouls themselves aren't bad, so getting a leg up on Mayor McDonough felt like a justice for the sake of the good ghouls (aka ghouls minus Hancock)

And besides, when it comes to ghouls, few bad apples don't ruin the bunch. Not even if it's a rotten, moldy, disease-ridden apple...

However, when we crawled out from that Mirelurk filled abyss and were faced with Fahrenheit's minigun and posse, something in my mind flipped. With a clamorous clatter of the abandoned power armor set I found in the old sewers, I faced my back to Hancock's right-hand man and screamed at Bobbi (and Mel by proxy) to get the hell out of here before Fahrenheit's arsenal and me shot them to bits. The two fled back into the tunnels in which they came from, and I popped off the helmet of the power armor, taking shallowed, panicked breaths. 

Fahrenheit came down from her post on the upper level, and Hancock's remaining goons scattered about his stronghold. She came around to face me, her buffed out arm holding her minigun and leaving the other open. She, although my power armor made me far taller than her, patted my shoulder reassuringly. 

"You did the right thing, y'know," she commented. My hastened breathing couldn't stop and I trembled slightly. Did I do the right thing? I mean, pissing off Goodneighbor wouldn't be wise, but it was ultimately just Hancock that I was helping in that very moment. I felt... weird. Why would my body have such a flustered reaction to helping him out? 

My worried train of thought was interrupted by Fahrenheit snapping her soot covered fingers in front of my face. My eyes flitted down to meet her fingers, and she sighed heavily. 

"Listen," Fahrenheit began, "I know you and my father don't get along well. Hell, you'd probably shoot each other's heads off if it weren't for the Waste's politics. Even though my men and I could have easily chewed through you three, you chose to scare Bobbi away instead of allowing a bloodbath to occur. Dad would have been saddened to have to kill someone he took in, and I know you know that."

I found subtle tears pricking the corners of my eyes. Fahrenheit rarely utters more than a sentence, yet she chose to tell me how I, a man who openly dislikes her father, helped him. It was almost as if she was messing with me, and part of me still thinks she was. 

She smirked, turning to leave me in my disheveled state. "Hey," she suggested, slinging the minigun over her shoulder in a shockingly effortlessly manner, "Go pay him a visit. Don't worry about your 'manly pride.' I'll tell him I sent you."

A couple of days passed by, and I found myself climbing the old spiral staircase to Hancock's office. My lips curled when I saw the drugs littering his tables and desk. His room was dirtied beyond belief, but I set that aside. I saw his tacky costume flash from down the other side of the hall. I slowly slinked down the hall, waiting for the ghoul to take notice of me. His head perked up, and he slumped down against the wall.

"Fahrenheit told me--"

"I'm aware," he growled, surprisingly hostile. "He must be sober" I mentally noted, otherwise unphased by his rudeness. 

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