•cait x female reader•

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"Ey! Hancock?" I yelled out, quickly making my way up the winding spiral staircase of the mayor's home. The neighborhood watch guards that stood near sent me brief nods of acknowledgement and approvement. I waved back hasilty before continuing my ascent.

My thoughts clouded my mind for the millionth time today. I let a small huff of annoyance escape from my lips as I relived the earlier events of the night. Yelling. Drugs. Sex. It sounds like the plot of some shitty prewar movie, but living it in real time is not as dolled up as it seems to be.

"Hmm?" I heard his questioning voice rumble from the other side of the door. Hancock's inquiry snapped me out of my daze as I yanked the door open, revealing a drugged up mayor. "Oh! Hey, Willow. Cait run out again?"

"You know us too well, Hancock," I responded, leaning my back against the wall, "I caught her using again."

Hancock grimaced in sympathy as well as worry and stood up from his worn-down couch. He made his way over to the door that I had left wide open, ushered Fahrenheit into the hallway, and shut it behind him. He sat back down and patted the space next to him on the cushion.

Happily, I accepted his offer and began to unload my life's issues onto the expectant ghoul. "She was at Sanctuary, and I decided to leave her on her own for a few hours while I went to check up on Oberland."

Hancock nodded while chuckling, "Well that was your first mistake. Leavin' the kid home alone, I mean."

I let out a breathy sigh of agreement before continuing, "And when I came back, she was locked up in her house. I knew something was up, so I didn't bother knocking and I just shot off the handle. She must've heard me coming though because I saw her trying to shove some repulsive looking bastard out the window. And that's when I saw the drugs scattered across the table. And her eyes, Hancock. They were glassed over and foggy; I don't even know if she understood what she was doing."

"Ssh. You don't have to say anymore," Hancock said softly, wrapping me in his arms. I shuddered and, much to my shame, felt hot tears run down the side of my face. Hancock's hand rubbed up and down my back in a comforting manner. He then placed his hands on both my shoulders and pulled me back. His dark eyes looked into my lighter ones, and for some reason, it brought me a feeling of comfort.

"Knowing the girl," Hancock started, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into a side hug of sorts, "She went down to the Third Rail. I'm sure Charlie liquored her up though, that bastard only wants caps. Regardless of that, Mags has dealt with drunks before, so I'm sure she's taking good care of her. And if she's not there, I can just call up Nicky and I'll make sure he get's her home before he comes to bed."

I sniffled pathetically and wiped my tears away with my sleeve. I looked back up at the ghoul and felt my eyes well up again, but this time it was with happiness. "Thanks for being here for me" I said quietly, a bittersweet smile taking over my features, "And don't tease your husband too bad if Cait isn't home. I'm sure I can figure it out." I placed a quick peck on his roughened before jogging out the door.

Hancock smirked and called out, "Be careful, sunshine. This world's too undeserving of people like you." I grinned back over my shoulder before practically leaping off the stairwell.

"G'Night. Stay safe," the collective voice of the neighborhood watch sounded out to me.

In a few brisk strides, I was at the front door of the Third Rail. 3:47 in the morning: perfect time for the creepers and riff-raff to be out and about. I yanked open the door, startling Ham in the process. I sent a quick, apologetic smile to him as he settled down again, greeting me kindly.

My eyes frantically scanned the surprisingly large number of people occupying the establishment once I was down the stairs. Magnolia and I made brief eye contact whilst she was singing, and she gestured towards the row of barstools. Cait's disheveled self lay in the dark corner, a bottle of half dranken whiskey in her hand. Whitechapel Charlie was at the ready with another bottle, but he didn't get the chance to hand her it.

I slid into the empty seat next to Cait, and Charlie, upon seeing my arrival, shrank back towards the other customers. Cait's jade eyes glanced over and nearly doubled in size once they took in what they were seeing.

"Don't freak out," I whispered softly, jerking my head to one of the back rooms in the bar, "Get your ass in there. Now." Cait angrily slammed her whiskey bottle on the counter, nearly shattering the it, but she ended up walking to the back with me.

"Do you want to talk about what the hell you thought you were doing?" I inquired, closing and locking the door behind me. Cait glowered at me, drunkenly stumbling to the sofa I had met MacCready years ago.

"Not like I'd want ta' talk about it with ya," Cait retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Cait. I thought I had been able to help you! I thought you wanted to get back on track. Am I wrong?" I demanded, throwing my hands up in the air.

"It's not like that," Cait muttered, suddenly seeming sober, "You think I want to kill my body? I know what it's doing to me, but I just can't stop. It's my crutch. I have nothin' here. Nobody. You're always off running around, tryna save the Commonwealth. I'm just here alone tryna cut off the one thing in life that makes me happy: my chems."

I stopped mid-rage, processing what Cait was saying to me. "I didn't really think about it like that," I said quietly, placing my hand on the crook of my neck. The two of us sat in silence that seemed to go on forever.

"Since when were you sleeping around with random men?" I asked abruptly, a newfound rage seeming to take root in my chest. Jealousy was now fueling me, seeing as I wanted nothing more but to make that stupid red-head my own.

"I don't even like 'em. Men I mean. I was jus' leadin' him on for chems," Cait confessed, looking ashamed as she admitted her schematics. I was gleeful; she doesn't even like men. However, now was not the time to celebrate that.

I sat down on the couch next to her and offered my hand out to her. She hesitated before taking it in her own."I promise to be here for you now. I didn't know your situation was this bad. It was all my fault," I said sullenly, squeezing her hand a little tighter. Cait smiled softly, laying her head on my shoulder.

"I love you."

I jerked my head to look down at the woman next to me as she said the three most powerful words a person could say. "Y-you what?" I spluttered, my heartbeat accelerating.

"Ya heard me," Cait responded, her normal smartass attitude kicking back into gear, "This is the part where you say it back."

"I-I do too. I love you too," I confessed, the words that were coming out of my mouth surprising me as much as they surprised Cait. In my peripheral vision, I saw Cait moving towards me. I turned to meet her halfway, relishing in the feeling as her lips connected with my own.

It was as if I was in a movie. The sensations that trickled down in every part of my body startled but simultaneously pleasured me. Cait deepened the kiss and wrapped her arm around the back of my head, bringing me closer. She quickly pinned me down on my back, trailing her lips down my neck and chest, leaving purple marks in random locations. I let out gentle noises of bliss as Cait toyed with my body. The room seemed to heat up as the mood suddenly shifted to something more sensual and intimate rather than lustful.

"Let's take this back to our house," Cait growled in my ear, sending chills of arousal down my spine. I nodded eagerly, allowing Cait to lead me out of the dingy bar.


Two chapters only a few days apart?! What's going on? Am I, dare I say it, productive? I just wanted to pop up to say y'all make writing these so much fun. I love seeing the comments and support that I get from you guys, and it gives me motivation, so thanks so much for that : )

Sorry this one is kinda short, I kinda ran out of juice while writing this but I wanted to get it out to you guys. Love y'all and don't forget to request down below!

- fallout_geek_

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