•paladin danse x male reader•

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I know Danse never takes off his armor but I need him to for the effect of the story. So, unless stated otherwise, he has no armor on. Plz don't hate me :)

Ghouls. Ghouls everywhere. I had only just been introduced to the Commonwealth a few short days ago and had only run into ghouls in pairs of two or three. Now, they were tearing this police station to shreds and leaving its inhabitants wounded.

Dogmeat was ripping limbs off of the ghouls as I fired headshot after headshot into the horde. The other man that was with us was shooting expertly placed laser shots on any straggling ghouls.

After what felt like years, the last ghoul crumpled to the ground. I panted heavily as the adrenaline fizzled off in my system, but before I had the chance to compose myself, a deep voice rumbled, "We appreciate the assistance civilian. But what is your business here?"

I surveyed the taller man up and down, drinking in the sight before me. He had deep brown eyes accompanied by dark, tasseled hair. He wore an orange suit that clung onto his defined muscles in the most perfect way.

"Uh... civilian?" the man asked again, cocking his brow at me slightly.

"I-I'm just trying to survive out here," I replied hesitantly, "I mean... just like everyone else." I mentally face palmed myself at my answer. 'Of course everyone out there is trying to survive, dumbass.'

"Where are you from?" he inquired again, his smooth voice sending a violent shiver down my spine.

"V-vault 111."

"You're a vault dweller? Most people wouldn't..." he trailed off, "Nevermind. If I appear suspicious, it's because our mission here has been difficult."

"What can I do to help?" I interrupted, "Sir?" 'Again, dumbass !' I scolded myself.

"Eager, aren't you?" the man laughed, his voice taking on a slightly more flirtatious lilt. I found myself speechless and just frantically nodded up and down. "I am Paladin Danse from the Brotherhood of Steel. And you are?"


"Nate? That is a rather pleasant name." he commented, turning towards the police station. I trailed after Danse like a lost puppy, oblivious to the fact that the two of us would slowly but surely become fast friends.

•four years later•

"Danse!" I yelled, tears already beginning to form in my eyes. I raced over to my companions side, sobs now taking over my ability to speak. I grabbed his hand in my own and squeezed it tightly.

"PALADIN NATE! OUR MEN ARE DROPPING LIKE FLIES OUT HERE!" one of my soldiers shouted across the field. I looked up from Danse and saw the mutants gaining on us. They were cutting through our people like butter; I was already feeling sick, but my stomach began to churn even more.

"FALL BACK!" I shouted, using the hand that wasn't gripping Danse's to beckon my remaining men towards me, "GET ANYONE WHO'S WOUNDED INTO THOSE VERTIBIRDS IMMEDIATELY!"

My people swiftly sprung into action, setting up the knights in a firing line to cut through the group of mutants while the scribes and other foot soldiers helped get their wounded friends onto the vertibirds.

"W-we're going to get you up. I-it will be okay!" I whimpered out, trying to smile through my wall of tears.

"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself more than me." Danse coughed out, his signature smile plastered on his paling face.

I let out a weak laugh and gripped Danse's hand tighter, causing him to glance down at our intertwined fingers. I felt slightly embarrassed at my brashness and began to withdraw my hand, but Danse kept his fingers locked around my own.

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