•hancock x female reader•

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Warning: this will include smut, so if y'all aren't into that stuff, click off... now if you are into that stuff, enjoy ;)

I took a long drag from my cigarette and began to survey the town from the alleyway I was in. People and ghouls alike shuffled around the streets, bartering, dealing, chatting, the normal things citizens did in a town. No one seemed to take notice to my presence, so I took advantage of it.

I quickly, but discretely, grabbed the stash of bobby pins from my coat pocket and shoved it into the lock of the warehouse, jiggling it in the lock. I heard the satisfying click and I shoved open the door.

'Mayor Hancock is frontin' the caps. Internal political struggle, y'know how it is. Just... keep it quiet 'ight? We don't need Hancock's dirty work gettin' out in the open y'know, bad for publicity.'

Charlie's words echoed throughout my head, reminding me of the mission I had to keep in mind. Quiet. Quick. Caps. I closed the door quietly behind me and crouched behind a wall. I heard the Triggermen bustling around upstairs, laughing and drinking. I grumbled a bit, annoyed that I wasn't getting more caps considering the amount of shit I was having to deal with.

I began to ascend up the stairs when I was suddenly grabbed from behind. A strong hand covered my mouth and the other snaked its way around my waist. I tried to scream but it came out as muffled whines. I began to thrash against the grip, but it was clear my abductor was much stronger than I.

I was dragged into a room and the door softly closed behind me. Fear and adrenaline were coursing through my body, and I began to tremble. The hand slowly retreats from my mouth and I was quick to whip out my .44 snubnosed pistol, and I pointed it at my attacker.

The hands slowly go up in the air, and a low, raspy, familiar voice called out, "Woah there sunshine, don't do something you're gonna regret."

"H-hancock?" I whispered, lowering my gun slowly.

"Yeah yeah, it's me." he replied, slowly walking towards me.

"C-charlie told me you needed this job done... quietly." I muttered back, trying to shake the fear out of my voice.

"That bastard was taking too long to find any willing client, so I took the chance myself, but I see he found someone... capable." he murmured, his eyes raking up and down my body.

I scoffed at the flirtatious ghoul, and took my gun out from its holster. "You need help clearin' it out or what?" I inquired, checking the gun to see if everything was in working order.

Hancock's face broke out into his signature smirk as he pulled out his shotgun, using the barrel to nod at the door. The two of us began to quietly meander across the floor of the warehouse, slowly creeping up the stairs.

*+* Time Skip *+*

Hancock and I snuck out of the backdoor of the final warehouse, letting out the breaths we were holding.

"That was wild..." Hancock muttered, leaning up against the back of the wall.

I chuckled softly, tossing my gun back in its holster. I pushed my hair back from my face, and felt the last bit of adrenaline leave my body. Exhaustion began to creep into my bones, but I wasn't ready to call it a night just yet.

"Follow me if you wanna..." I said to Hancock, trialing a finger down his chest.

I began to walk towards the Third Rail, my body craving for a good beer. I entered the building, sending a polite nod towards Ham, who returned the gesture. I walked down the flight of stairs and my ears were immediately filled with the Drifter's laughter and Magnolia's delightful singing.

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