•maccready x female reader•

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A smile fell upon my lips as I heard the faint thrumming of Magnolia's voice underneath my feet as I walked across the cobblestone roads of Goodneighbor. The only thing lighting my path was the fogged bulbs of the streetlamps and the smoky cigarettes of the Drifters that milled around.

I was intending on spending the night at the Hotel Rexford, but it couldn't hurt to stop by the bar beforehand. Besides, who could resist the allure of Magnolia's late night serenades. I pulled open the door and saw Ham's charcoal eyes survey me. His cold gaze softened when he recognized me, sending me a firm nod.

"Charlie deals with the drinks, I deal with the drunks. You keep that in mind," he warned, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile.

"You've never had a problem with me, Ham," I replied, watching him raise a bow in disagreement. I walked past him and down the stairs; my attention was caught on Magnolia's red dress sparkle in the light and then shifted to the tipsy Drifters being served by Whitechapel Charlie's snarky self.

"Another one of you mercs looking for MacCready? He's in the back," a ghoul sighed, tipping his beer towards the doorway on the other side of the room.

I had no idea who this MacCready character was, but there was no harm in checking out who he was. Charlie slid my regular order over to me, and I dropped a pile of caps on the counter with a quick 'thanks.'

Two angry looking men shouldered past me when I went to enter the room. I could see from the tattoos on their heads that they were Gunners, causing me to stiffen. I wiped out many of their kind before, and I was definitely on their hit-list; however, they didn't recognize me and stormed out of the bar.

I wearily walked into the room to see a rather ruffled man sit back down on the couch. He immediately struck me as a rather handsome person, accompanied with roughened skin and striking blue eyes. His brown, well-kept hair seemed to be carefully tucked under green hat and he had a sniper rifle slung across his back.

He definitely had a tough personality, but I wanted to see why the Drifters had pointed me to him. "Hello?" I cautiously greeted, watching his steely gaze snap up to meet mine.

"You looking for a gun?" the man inquired flatly, "I'm not lookin' to make friends, just caps."

I was taken aback by his blatant rudeness, but I something in me wanted to take him up on his offer. "How much are we talking?" I practically hissed out, crossing my arms across my chest.

Now it was his turn to look surprised as he stood up from the couch, sighing and scratching his head. "250. And there's no room for bargaining."

"Ya think caps grow on trees? 200 or no deal," I smiled back, observing his brows fold as he considered my offer.

"Fine. You just got yourself a gun."

I smirked and handed over the caps to his waiting hands. He followed me out of the bar silently, and little did I know I just bought myself the best friend I could ask for.

•time skip•

"You know I wouldn't ask this of you if we weren't close," MacCready said, his voice low with anxiety.

I grimaced as I watched his usually light persona darken with heartbreak. "Mac, of course I'll help you out. That's what friends are for."

His gaze was still trained on the ground, but I could see his eyes glass over. He sniffed loudly and rubbed his eyes, willing any show of emotion out of his face. "Thank you," he sighed, his body visibly lighter from relief, "My old pal tried to get the cure from Med-Tek research, but he died before he was able to reach it."

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