•nick valentine x female reader•

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'Vault 114' my Pip-Boy screen reflected back to me. I looked up from the screen, and saw a outlet on near the vault door. It looked identical to the one I recently saw in Vault 111, so I already knew what I needed to do. With a slight tug, I freed the cord from the back of the Pip-Boy and shoved it into the socket. I slammed my fist down on the bright orange button, and quickly crouched down at the sound of voices echoing down the halls.

"God, I hate it when that door opens. It's so damn loud," an unknown voice growled.

My breath hitched in my throat at what appeared to be about four gunners and a machine gun turret waiting for me at the end of the long metal hallway. I reached into my bag and grabbed a Molotov cocktail that I had snatched from one of the Gunner's guarding the entrance. I lit the tail and threw it as hard as I could into the gaggle of Gunners.

A string of curses and yells came from the group as the room went up in flames. I quickly pulled out my hunting rifle and looked down the sights. Using the skills the wasteland taught me, I drew the sights onto the turret with great speed and fired the bullet, and quickly pressed my back against the box I was using for cover.

A loud bang told me I had successfully destroyed the turret, and I peered my head over the box.

"NO! Don't you die on me!" a Gunner shouted towards his almost lifeless friend on the floor.

A pang of guilt spread through my body like a fatal illness, but I suppressed it into the back of my mind. I could mourn and feel sorry for myself when my life wasn't at stake.

I ran up to the single Gunner left. I could see his tags on her shirt that she was a corporal. Tough. Mean. Skilled.

I shoved my worries down and whipped out the Shishkabob Abraham Finch had gifted me. I pressed down on the button and watched the blade erupt into flames. I slammed the blade into the Gunner's pale throat, watching the blood trickle down. I yanked out the blade, pressing the button again and placing it on the holster across my back.

I scanned the bodies for any important loot I might need, and I ended up being a few caps richer.

I pushed the sliding door open, and picked off some of the lingering Gunners left with some skilled 10mm shots to the head. I pushed open the door to another room which revealed a cafeteria or at least what was left of one. I cautiously began to walk through, scanning for any Gunners. I froze upon hearing a voice echo down the stairwell.

"What? Getting hungry in there Valentine?" a man's voice mocked, peering through the glass window.

"Just hurry it up. I don't know what you or Skinny wants, but get it over with," a deep, mechanical sounding voice hissed back.

"What? Rusting up are we?" the man laughed in response.

I didn't know the robotic sounding man, Valentine, or anything about him, but the man who was antagonizing him was pissing me off. I pulled out my pipe sniper rifle, and looked through the short scope. I held my breath as I steadied the gun, and aimed it at the man's head.


"What the hell?!" Valentine shouted, slowly drawing his hands out from behind his back.

I raced up the stairs to where Valentine's voice echoed. First, I crouched down to the dead man's body, which his name tag read Dino. Dino... interesting choice. I found about 70 caps on his body, and a sheet of paper reading 'Overseer Password'.

"Hey! I don't know who you are, but can you let me out?" Valentine asked, looking through the glass window.

I stood up from the body, and I pressed the keys on the terminal. The terminal let out a happy beep and a hiss as the door opened. I was faced with an odd sight. A man, made from entirely metal, but with an extremely lifelike appearance. Parts of his synthetic skin was peeling away, revealing gears and poles within his body. He wore an old trench coat that was patched up in many places, and a tattered hat that laid crooked upon his head.

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