24. he's perfect

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a/n: ty ourmoonlight_ for letting me use this :)

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a/n: ty ourmoonlight_ for letting me use this :)

a/n: ty ourmoonlight_ for letting me use this :)

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maya and ricky walked into the sugarhouse coffee shop hand in hand to meet up with the group, only seeing lucas and nini seated at their usual spots

"hey guys," maya beams as her and ricky sit on the couch

"thought you liked the beanbag," lucas chuckles

maya knits her eyebrows together before widening her eyes in realization from when they wanted to make nini and lucas sit together

"oh!" she exclaims "right! yeah-but-ricky and i don't-fit on there..."

lucas kept a small smile on his face and nini and ricky chuckled at the interaction before lucas put his arm around nini

she tensed slightly, still not used to the fact that he was her boyfriend. they've kissed and have cuddled a bit, but she always felt a little off. she did like him, but something was different.

nini looked over to see ricky whispering something in maya's ear which made her laugh and slap him playfully and when his eyes met nini's she quickly looked up at lucas who was just talking about something.

"hey maybe we should go on a double date," maya suggests happily, sitting up properly

"what?" nini asks before she could stop herself

"you see neens," ricky begins with a grin "there's this thing that couples do-"

she rolls her eyes playfully "funny ricky,"

ricky looked at her in slight confusion - usually she would reply with 'ricksters' or 'richardo' or another nickname apart from ricky.

"we'd be up for it," lucas says with a smile

nini glances up at him "really?"

lucas nods and gives her a kiss on her temple, nini putting a small smile on her face before letting out a small breath, seeing a few of the rest of the group walk into the coffee shop.

"i'm exhausted," seb sighs as he slumps down on the beanbag

"that makes all of us," ashlyn replies with a chuckle

"i'm going to go get the coffees," lucas says, standing up as he walks towards the counter

"so, how's that been?" carlos asks happily

"yeah, your dream came true," kourtney chuckles

nini forces a small laugh and nods "he's great. perfect even."

gina and ej exchanged a look between each other and back at nini, who was listening to what maya was saying

"something's up with her," gina whispers

"you think she's lying to them about lucas?" ej asks quietly

"it's not them she's lying to."

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