26. the truth

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nini shuffled around the papers on her desk as she tried to focus, pushing the fact that she had to have a talk with lucas she was definitely not looking forward to.

"hey neens!" ej exclaims happily, rushing into her office

nini glances up "hey ej,"

"so, did you get red's text?" he asks excitedly

nini knits her eyebrows together "no-i have my phone off right now..."

"you okay?" ej asks, concern flooding his face as he sits down on the chair in front of her desk

nini puts a small smile and nods "nothing you have to worry about. what's up?"

ej nods "well, red has this friend where he works who's throwing this killer party tomorrow. the whole group is going but we didn't get your answer on the chat,"

"oh." nini mumbles "um-i mean-i guess it couldn't hurt?"

"you sure? you don't have to go if you're not up for it," ej assures her

nini shakes her head "no, it'll be fun... i'm kind of in a need for a fun party night."

ej nods excitedly "okay, i'll see you later,"

nini watches as ej walks out of the office and she takes a deep breath, deciding to turn her phone on

nini watches as ej walks out of the office and she takes a deep breath, deciding to turn her phone on

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nini had decided to stay at work for the rest of the afternoon, telling ej she was busy with assignments as he left and leaving the building herself at six pm and having to meet lucas at a park a few minutes away

she sighs to herself as she walks out into the cold air and hugs her coat closer to herself, her mind and heart rate racing with every step closer she arrived towards the park

when she sees lucas on his phone sitting on a park bench, her heart sinks slightly and she takes a deep breath, heading towards him

"hey," she breathes

he looked up and smiled as he got up from the bench and walked towards her

"hey," he greets as he kisses her on the lips shortly before they both sit down

nini fiddles with her fingers and kept her eyes glued to her lap as she tried to come up with something to say

"what's wrong?" he asks softly "you've been acting a little distant...i'm worried."

nini shuddered a breath and kept her eyes away from him "i-i like you lucas..."

the boy looked at her, knowing this wasn't going to end well "okay..."

"but-i can't be with you." she finishes

lucas knits his eyebrows together and faces her properly "why not?"

"because-i also-think that i have feelings for someone else..." she mumbles, her eyes stinging when she looks up to see the hurt on his face

"ricky." he finishes "it's ricky isn't it?"

nini felt a tear roll down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away "lucas-"

"so, you were with me and lead me to believe that you cared when you were actually just having feelings for him all this time?" he questions, pain in his face "what was i? just some guy to try and convince yourself that you didn't like him?"

"it wasn't like that!" she exclaims as more tears fell from her face "i promise i like you too lucas it's just-i liked ricky before you and everything was so complicated-"

"it shouldn't be complicated nini, you either like him or me!" he replies, standing up

"i care about both of you!" nini tells him as she stands up "you both mean a lot to me! and i liked you for a long time lucas, i promise but when i kept seeing maya and ricky together-"

"they've been together for more than a month nini. we've been spending time together for more than a month!" he yells in realization "so-that means that you were into him all this time?"

"i-i don't know!" she cries

"why did you even say yes to being my girlfriend?!" he questions

nini wiped a few more tears that fell from her eyes and looked down at the floor as he shook his head

"i thought you were having fun with me and enjoying the time we spent together-"

"i did!" she defends "i-i do."

lucas shakes his head with a scoff and she take a step closer to him but he steps back

"lucas," she pleads

"if you really liked me, and you really cared about everything we've been through so far, then you wouldn't be so confused." he says, lowering the tone of his voice as he kept his eyes on her "and if you liked me, then you wouldn't be liking ricky and you wouldn't be breaking up with me."

"lucas please-"

"i have to go," he whispers walking past her as she turns around and tries to stop him

"lucas!" she calls after him, tears falling down her face as she cries to herself and dropped down onto the bench, burying her face in her hands.

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