38. losing you or loving you

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nini was seated in her living room with gina, ashlyn and seb; all of them waiting for maya to come back from the grocery store.

"she's with lucas again?" ashlyn smirks, seeing lucas' snapchat story from seb's phone

nini chuckles "they've been spending some time together lately."

"you think she's in the right mind to date someone new?" gina asks hesitantly

just then, the door opens to see a cheerful maya walking through with grocery bags as she sets them down on the coffee table where the group were

"hey guys, sorry i took some time-"

"we get it; choose lucas over your best friends," seb says with a fake pout, making maya blush slightly as she laughs

"you're all seeing things." she sighs as she sits down

"you've been with him a lot." ashlyn points out

"friends hang out with friends." maya reminds her, taking a packet of chips and opening it to eat

nini shook her head with a smile as she turned the tv on and scrolled through their netflix home page

"okay, we've literally watched everything." gina laughs

"yeah, well i'm not going out into civilization just yet." nini tells them, putting on fuller house

"how are you holding up neens?" seb asks cautiously "you haven't really said anything since we arrived."

nini shrugged her shoulders "i'm fine."

"i thought you, and i quote 'already feel like crap.'" ashlyn tells her

the girl sighed as she leaned back against the couch "it's just hard..." she says in a small voice "i miss him already and it's only been a day."

"it's friday neens. the day where you guys usually spend your entire day just the two of you. if you weren't hurting, we'd be surprised." maya says

"how do you do it?" nini groans

"i just sort of put it into my head that me and ricky just weren't meant to be." maya told her simply "and that-"

she gets cut off by gina hitting her on the arm, causing for her to jump

"ow!" she exclaims

"that what?" nini asks confused

maya opens her mouth in realization when gina, ashlyn and seb give her a look and she quickly shakes her head

"nothing." she says

nini sighs when noticing what she was going to say and shakes her head "not true. if me and ricky were 'meant to be' he wouldn't have said those things and i wouldn't be here eating my comfort foods and trying to forget about him."

"you and ricky are best friends." gina reminds her

"were best friends." nini corrects with a frown "if he was my best friend, he wouldn't have said any of those things."

"people say things they don't mean." seb tells her "i know we weren't there, and it must've hurt when he said that to you, but i'm sure he didn't mean any of it."

"then why did he say it?" nini questions

"he was probably frustrated." maya says

everyone looks at her in confusion and she realizes that she was the only one who knew about ricky's feelings towards nini out of the five of them

"why?" ashlyn asks confused

"well-um-you know, nini and ricky kissed and she told him she liked him and it was while he was dating me so- that's sort of-frustrating..." maya mumbles, stuffing food into her mouth

they all look at her skeptically before deciding to let it go and return their attention to the tv


ricky walked into the coffee shop to see carlos, kourtney, ej and big red all seated at a table nearby

he walked over to them and sat down at the table, all of them looking at him in concern

"have you slept?" big red asks

ricky sighs "what's up?"

"what's up is that we need you to tell us that you're actually taking care of yourself," kourtney says firmly

the boy nods "i am!"

they all raise their eyebrows and he exhaled deeply

"guys i'm just-everything is so messy and i just want things to go back to the way they were." he mutters

"well, that can't happen." ej reminds him as the waitress comes with a tray of coffee mugs and sets them down, the group chiming in a 'thanks' before she walks away

"i know." he breathes, running his hand over his face "everything's moving so fast and i don't know how to fix things with nini."

"how about you talk to her and maybe tell her how you feel." big red suggests

"how do i do that when i don't even know how i feel?" ricky asks them

carlos scoffs "are you kidding? ricky, you look at her with heart eyes all the time. you're in love with her."

ricky looks at him "what?"

"you love her dude, maybe tell her before you lose her." ej says

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