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• He'd be mortified at both your death and himself
• How could he leave you unsupervised and alone outside of the school and house?
• In the moment of discovering your body, he would let his pride slip for once: he'd sob openly, not caring who hears him.
• He'd pick your cold and deceased hand up and bring it to his lips, eyes never leaving your lifeless face, as more tears flow down his cheeks.
• Lucifer's lips would part, as if he wanted to say a last goodbye, but his choked sobs and overflowing tears prevented him from doing so
• He regrets letting his pride get the best of him: he should've told you he loved you more, pushed work aside for a bit longer and prioritized you, taken you out on more dates, held you in his sleep more frequently.
• Never gets over or forgets you - he wont allow himself to
• Throws himself into more work and assignments and tasks, trying to busy himself and suppress the memory of you.
• He appears more stoic and unemotional, even more cold and cruel to anyone who isn't close to him.
• But behind closed doors, when there's no work and it's just him and his thoughts, he always wanders back to the very idea of you.
• Everything reminds him of you.
• That one book you always cherished sat on the corner of his desk, the red and black pen you bought him remains unused and kept in a box next to it, your favourite painting hung above his study door frame so he can always see it and be reminded of you.
• Somedays these objects distract him though, and he contemplated moving them to his private room but decides against it: you had placed that book there so it was going to stay there forever.
• He gets so scared of forgetting your face and mannerisms as his life continues and he lives through hundreds and thousands of more years.
• To the point he gets a small portrait made of you for his eyes and his eyes only
• However he always dedicates a day a week to visiting your room.
• No one dared to stop him when he slowly walked towards the door and locked himself in there, and no one commented on the sobs they heard.
• He and the other brothers refused to remove or even touch any of your belongings, not wanting to remove the essence of you.
• Whenever he visited he would sit on your bed and let his thoughts eat him alive, eyes occasionally wandering over your items and bringing back memories to him, causing more and more tears.
• Even centuries after your passing, he never stops crying over you in the comfort of his rooms or yours.
• He never verbalizes it, but everyone around him can just tell,,
• That he misses you more than anything.
• Even though he seems to be managing fine to other demons, he's breaking at the seams.
• Lucifer will never feel fully complete or normal after your passing.
• He sort of enters that stage in life, after you're old and retired, just waiting for his age to catch up to him and take him.
• He doesn't know what to do without you anymore.

• He doesn't know what to do without you anymore

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 𝕆𝔹𝔼𝕐 𝕄𝔼 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊; 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝🦋Where stories live. Discover now