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[12:56 pm]

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[12:56 pm]

The dark skinned angel had always loved you,
admiring you from the heavens above.
Even now,
sat opposite you,
be sighed.
Your hair bounced at your boisterous laugh,
illuminating the whole room.
He was amazed that such a human existed:
such a pretty and unique one.
Simeon had always wanted you,
ever since being assigned your guardian angel at 12,
he was awestruck by you and your being.
He saw everything you had gone through.
Every heartbreak,
every tear,
every smile,
every laugh,
Silently from above,
he prayed he could somehow be with you,
up in the heavens or down on earth.
It seemed his silent prayers and pleas had worked,
as now he was in the same building as you.
Maybe the stars truly did align from above for the both of you.

But he saw how you looked at him.
Someone who Simeon classed as a close friend,
especially since being summoned away from the Celstial Realm:
It pained him,
he could see how your eyes lit up when he entered a room,
how they quickly darted around the packed ballroom to find the white haired sorcerer,
how you fiddled with your hair oh so delicately.
Simeon saw it all,
yet he never uttered a word,
simply smiling at you before excusing himself from the conversation and room altogether.
He couldn't handle it -
he almost felt ashamed in himself -
he's an angel.

Slumping against the door frame,
the angel hung his head in his hands,
his thoughts flooding through his head and leaving his body in the form of salty drops.
He shouldn't be feeling such a tight feeling in his chest,
the little green goblin called jealousy creeping up on him subconsciously,
he was an angel.
Simeon hauled himself onto his bed,
grabbing a pillow,
desperate for some form of comfort.
Comfort away from you.

[1:21 pm]

You had promised to met Simeon the next day by the library,
the two if you planned to visit a recently opened cafe down town.
Simeon was ecstatic as he strolled through the halls of RAD,
giving a quick,
healing smile to whoever he walked by,
bathing in his newfound happiness.
But alas,
once he arrived you weren't there.
But of course,
you were late.
So he waited and waited.

The faint giggling of two voices from behind a bookshelf caught his attention,
and he snapped his head in the direction.
A girl and a boy.
Simeon approached the case,
his heart sinking at the recognition of the voices.
He knew he shouldn't have,
but he did it anyways:
he slowly pulled two books apart from the other side of the shelving,
creating a slit,
allowing him to confirm his suspicions.

You breathed you in a giggle.
"No more - Simeon's waiting. I promised I would meet him here soon."
Yet the grip you had on Solomon's collar suggested otherwise.
In response,
the mischievous sorcerer just chuckled at your antics.

"You're breaking his heart, MC."

"Hmmm... 'xplain it to him today, then."

You tugged at his collar,
pulling him closer and your lips collided again,
hands roaming one another's body.
And once again,
Simeon found himself feeling the familiar tightening in his chest,
and the straining of his eyes.

Simeon's whole world stopped at taht very moment.
You knew.
You knew how he felt yet you cared so little for him and his being:
you played him.
But he couldn't blame you.
Even with his heart torn,
thoughts in shambles,
uncontrolable streams of tears flooding down his face,
with a hand tightly pressed against his mouth in an effort to muffle his screams and cries,
he didn't blame you for his suffering.
He should've known that it was a bad idea falling for you,
his little lamb,
he was warned all his life of falling for mortals.
Yet he allowed himself to fall for you.

With no tears left to cry,
Simeon let out small cries and whines as he pulled the same pillow into his arms,
trying to find some comfort once again.
He should've known,
that all to you he was a mere guardian.

 𝕆𝔹𝔼𝕐 𝕄𝔼 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊; 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝🦋Where stories live. Discover now