📖𝕊𝔸𝕋𝔸ℕ 𝕩 𝔾ℕ!𝕄ℂ- ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴇᴘᴛᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

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You had left the 7 brothers last July, perfect timing really, as it matched perfectly with the Summer Holidays your school provided every year for 6 weeks.
No more learning for 6 weeks, thank god.
You had been so worked in the Devildom, you were relieved to know that essays and presentations wouldn't be due for a while in your original realm.
However, it burdened you knowing that the likelihood of you seeing your 7 soulmates were extremely slim now: your heart ached for one demon in particular.
The demon who caught your eye at first glance, his smirk and his presence alone making you flush profusely around him.
But you never really became an item or exclusive, it never came up.
Yet all 6 other brothers could tell there were feelings that you shared for one another.
You both enjoyed reading, you're majoring in English at university, and you could read each other so so well.
Sometimes, you didn't even need to say a word to one another.
Being held in each others arms, reading silently, was enough to bring peace to the demon of wrath and anger.

You guys kept close contact, however calls became more frequent in September - despite you returning to university soon - you still answered his every call and he helped you with assignments.
It became routine: you would plan every call, matching it to your time zones, and blabbering on about your favourite books and other nonsense until one's presence was required elsewhere.
It was going so well to begin with.

October, November, December all passed by so fast.
It felt magical, despite only being able to see your love on the other side of the screen, your feelings having developed even further at this point.
Secretly, you had hoped that for new years he would do something to make you guys official, to declare his love for you.

But he didnt.

That's alright,
you told yourself.
I can wait.
Just a little longer.

January went by without worry, you completed the remaining few end of year exams and your grades were good!
You felt so utterly happy: everything was going so well.

Secretly, you had hoped that Satan would declare his love for you on Valentine's day, a human tradition you knew he was aware of.

But he didn't.

Burying your negative feelings down under, pushing them to the back of your mind, you told yourself
That's alright,
You sighed, your heart feeling heavy.
I can wait.
Just a little longer this time.

March rolled around and messages became less frequent.
Satan started leaving calls earlier, saying he was needed at meetings more, or that Mammon was getting a beating by Lucifer and he couldn't miss it.
You'd chuckle, and bid him a good rest of his day, before closing your laptop down and throwing yourself into your bed, thoughts running wild.
Drowning yourself in your sheets, tears ran down the sides of your face, as you questioned if he was really worth waiting for.
You hoped he'd prove your thoughts wrong.
So you waited.
And waited.

Until June came.
Calls weren't as frequent and your weight started dropping, a mixture of your loneliness and stress from university piling up.
But he didn't seem to notice your discomfort whenever you two called.
He didn't notice how red and puffy your eyes were, or the fact you were covered head to toe in black despite the boiling weather at the beginning of summer.

'MC, I actually have something to tell you!' He almost yelled abruptly in one of your rare calls - only then did he see it.
The hope and joy that flared in your eyes as he finished his sentence, how your head cocked up at his words, alert.

You hoped he was going to say what you had been waiting for him to say for over a year now.

'I've met someone here, and they're really nice, I'd like for you to talk to them one day.' He spoke slower now, as if he finally understood how you felt after 2 years, as if he was trying to let you down oh so lightly.
You felt time freeze around you and your throat tightened, tears threatening to spill from your eyes that were glued on the screen in front of you.

He looked so happy.
It's a shame it wasnt because of you.

You ended the call abruptly afterwards, not wanting him to see you so vulnerable.
It hurt.
So much.
You really thought that he had loved you, wanted to be with you - but how mistaken you were.

July and August rolled around, painfully slowly, might I add.
Contact was practically gone at this point, the rare check up text or call once a blue moon, but that was it.
Your end of year exams didn't go horribly: you passed and that's all that mattered to you in that moment of time.
Nothing else really mattered anymore,
now that he was gone, nothing seemed to matter anymore.

And maybe that's why you found yourself up at 2 in the morning, clutching your phone in a tight grasp right in front of your face, staring at his contact information.
His old contact information.
He changed it last month and didnt even tell you.

But could you blame him?

You found your fingers wandering over the dial button, and you did so, pressing speaker phone.
The ringing was loud and continual, until his voice broke the tone:

Hello, This is Satan.
Unfortunately, I cannot answer your call right now.
If its urgent, please leave a voicemail.

Slowly, tears flowed down your face, salty against your lips.
You quickly ended the call before you could be brought to voicemail, only to repeat the process until you couldn't stay awake anymore.
You missed him.
His voice, his very being.
You longed for him.
But you knew he longed for someone else.

You wept every time, repeating his voice in your head, despite it only being a voicemail.

How you wish things could be like they were Last September.

 𝕆𝔹𝔼𝕐 𝕄𝔼 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊; 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝🦋Where stories live. Discover now