🌃𝔻𝕀𝔸𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕆𝕩𝔽!𝕄ℂ - 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 [𝚙𝚝. 𝟸]

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There you sat, fiddling with the brown envelope you hadn't expected to arrive.
It had ruby wax sealing it,
imprinted on it an unrecognizable yet such a familiar mark.
Sliding the rough edges inbetween your nails, you let out a shaky breath and decided to carefully open it.
Hands slightly shaking, you picked at the wax seal, eyes widening at how easily it lifted, then cautiously pulling the white letter out of its casing -

You've been selected to join the Devildom Exchange Programme on behalf of the human realm.

Those words stared at you menacingly from the paper,
and your eyebrows knotted in confusion and shock:
The Devildom? What's that?
Thoughts flew around your mind and you couldn't focus on anything else written on the letter,
still struggling to process the very chance that hell is a real place beyond what humans know.


You needed to consent now?
You hadn't heard anything of this beforehand, you hadn't needed to apply or anything.
Besides, thinking logically,
you're too busy with your own studies right now and with ongoing personal issues, you couldn't afford to go on such a trip right now.
Fumbling to fold and conceal the letter back in its envelope,
you sighed, and in an effort to ease your mind you chalked it up to being a prank letter from some kids in your neighbourhood.
Nevermind how they knew your full name and exact address, you could care for that later, as you discarded the letter into your bin and ran to get a beverage to help clear your mind that little bit more.

The sound of your letter slot takes you by surprise: it isn't the mailmans round today, it's every Tuesday not Saturday.
Feeling concerned and conflicted, you slowly trudged down to your door.
And there it lied.
The same letter from before,
addressed to you and only you,
the same words written on the same pale paper.
A lump caught in your throat as your eyes widened - what sick prank was this? who was responsible for doing this?

With tears brimming in your eyes at the severity of the situation,
you quickly discarded of the letter a second time and struggled to get changed,
wanting to leave the comfort of your house and stay at someone else's for a while in hopes that whoever was writing the letters would stop sooner.

But alas, returning a week after receiving the second mysterious invitation and after staying with your parents, the first thing to welcome you at your door was a small pile of those same cursed letters.
They hadn't stopped sending them and sent even more, one more being added to each extra day, resulting in a small stack of them by your feet.

"What the fuck"
You groaned aloud, closing and sliding down your door, your hands coming up to your scalp to gently tug at your roots.
Surely I'm just going insane, right?
Thinking to yourself,
you reluctantly stare at the pile before you, before deciding fuck it,
if you sign it maybe this madness will stop.
Sitting on your silk sheets,
your window slightly ajar causing the curtains to gently sway in your direction, the moonlight engulfing you in its bright rays, illuminating your skin and lightening your eyes, revealing all their secret hues and undertones as you took your pen to your lip, re-reading over every line.

The hum left your lips automatically as you put pen to paper, finally caving into your curiosity and want to get the letter to fuck off for good.
As you removed the pen from the paper after giving your personal signature,  something that was nothing short of magical happened:
the paper slipped out of your grasp and the envelope that had been discarded to the side levitated too, and in one swift motion it hovered over the letter before enclosing it, vanishing into thin air.
Your eyes widened and your brain malfunctioned:
"What the fuck?"
Eyebrows knotted, you let a breath out, diverting your eyes away from which the paper had mysteriously vanished from to the pen that still lies in your hand.
This is certainly going to be an adventure.

The following few days, you had forgotten all about the magic show you'd had a front row seat to,
that was until another sudden surprise happened.
It was a quiet Sunday, you were sat in your sink, yes in it. Such a position allowed you to be closer to the mirror as you examined your morning skin, your toothbrush abandoned in your mouth, the toothpaste steadily poking and peeking out from the corners of your mouth.
When suddenly, poof, your surroundings started fading, putting you on alert as you clutched your toothbrush, similar to if it were a dagger or a small pocket knife.
Jumping out from your sinks confinement, you took an attackers stance, one foot in front of the other, holding your toothbrush close to your chest yet facing out towards whatever danger may emerge from the bright white rays that had engulfed you from literally nowhere.

"Welcome to the Devildom!"
Snapping your neck behind you, your stance faltering at the boom of the deep and somewhat powerful voice, a built figure greeted you with wide arms and a cheerful yet mischievous smile plastered on his face.
Shaking out of nervousness, you analysed the man: he must've been at the very least 6'7, with wide, pacific-ocean shoulders to match. He was also well dressed in a red uniform that complimented his build - it almost emphasised his apparent power.
Deep and rich were the first words that came to your mind when reaching his face: his hair was a deep red, pairing perfectly with his tan complexion.
Yet the feature that stood out to you immediately was his eyes - his golden pupils that once they had landed on yours, it felt as if a connection had been established. He felt like he held home in his eyes and presence alone.

You didn't feel afraid as you stood in front of this authoritative man, dressed in pyjamas with a toothbrush in your hands, toothpaste smeared at the edges of your mouth whilst he stood so composed and proper-looking.
And it seemed that this man too felt the same connection as he met with your orbs, the boldness and the hues of them intensifying as they met with yours, his features then softening as he also made analysis of you mentally.
"I'm the ruler of this here, The Devildom, Lord Diavolo."
Like a switch had been flipped in his mind, his features stiffened up again, his original smile plastering his face and replacing the soft and somewhat natural frown that had coated his face when looking at you.

Well this was certainly going to be interesting.
You thought as you left the hall after the hearing, eyes on the Lord as you passed him to exit, your eye contact not breaking until you were out of the room.
There was just something about him that felt so familiar, like the red wax seal that had coated the envelope all those weeks ago.
And you were going to find out just why he felt so familiar, if it's the last thing you do on this unexpected and rare exchange programme.

 𝕆𝔹𝔼𝕐 𝕄𝔼 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊; 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝🦋Where stories live. Discover now