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I've given up,

I know He's real,

But He doesn't love me,

How could He?

If He did why would He watch me suffer like this?

How can a God watch His people suffer in this way?

Without intervening?

Without letting me know everything will be okay?

What did I do to deserve this pain?

I am barely a child,

I have not even been alive for thirteen years,

I have nowhere to place this pain,

I wish to be raped so I could have somebody to blame,

But as always, my prayers, they go up in vain.

I want nothing more than for this cycle to end,

I want to know what it feels like to be happy and not have to force a smile;

I wonder if it's a curse that goes through my bloodlines,

This unwavering pain that eats at my brain,

Or if I'm just unlucky,

And God simply made me by mistake. 


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