Escape to my Brain

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Escape to my Brain

Life is harder when you don't know how to live,

There's so much to do and so much to appreciate,

But I don't know if it's possible for me to leave this place,

This place that I've created in my head space,

That is a sort of fortress where I come to escape,

From the world and all its brooding hate,

And the people that don't know how to communicate.

They hurt each other and they hurt me too,

So I'll just stay right here in my little cocoon,

I'm trying to work on myself but I don't know how far I'll get because as you know my head has been a mess.

I smile more though but things still aren't their best.

The bad things still happen and the voices are still pests.

I'll get through it though I have some faith.

I'll focus on the good and try to pour out all the hate.


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