Birth of the Butterfly

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Birth of the Butterfly

The power of forgiveness is weird,

It was my anchor and I didn't see it because I was focused on rooting out all my fears.

My inability to forgive and forget held me captive,

But I fixed it,

I learned to forgive and I learned to forget,

I forgave myself for everything I put myself through,

And all the people that hurt me? I forgave them too.

I worked on my relationship with God and now he's at the forefront of everything that I do,

I passed  through the eye of my storm and I'm no longer blue.

I'm grateful for everything that has happened to me both old and new,

The caterpillar has died and it's time for the butterfly to emerge from the cocoon.

Today the skies are beautiful and blue and I'll go out there and leave a mark for me and you.


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