Silly Me

27 7 3

Silly Me

I barely eat these days,

I'm trying to lose some weight,

I used to think my body was okay,

But apparently being thin is the only way to go.

How stupid I was to feel that way,

How stupid I was to dare to say,

That I was pretty enough to hold my head high when I walked around.

How foolish of me to think I would ever be able to fit in with the elite with this big of a derrière.

Silly me,

How could I not see that,

That bliss that I wanted didn't belong to me?

How could I not know that was a trap?

That I was being set up?

The voices are back and they're too loud

They keep saying "I told you so"

But this is what I get for thinking I could love myself,

For thinking that I wasn't already living in hell,

I'll never recover from this and I was dumb for thinking otherwise.

Silly me, I can't even focus on myself,

And I thought I could break free from this mental hell.


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