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I want to let you go though I don't have you.

I want to tell you I love you even though I shouldn't.

I barely know you but I need you.

I tell myself you're bad for me though I know you're what's been missing.

I can't let you in because I'll hurt you.

I don't deserve you.

I'll destroy you.

I don't trust myself when I'm around you.

You make me see life differently, you make me feel like the world should be proud to have me.

You make me feel wanted, like I deserve to be loved.

You make me feel strong, you make feel like one day I'll be somebody's "the one".

But you're just a myth, just a little fairytale.

I'll never have you because people like me never end up with the love and support you give to those around me.

I'll forever be deprived of the joy you bring, because people like me will never ever truly be free enough to be happy.

Tiona H.🦋

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