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I'm in a state now where,

I've been through so much nothing makes sense.

I don't think I deserve anything but I'm fighting to get through anyway.

I'm lonely,

I have nobody but myself.

My life is a mess but I'm helping others to fix theirs.

I see everybody in love and happy,

And I'm wondering when I'll have a chance at something that great.

I long for somebody to love me.

To motivate me.

I don't know where my life is going and I'm scared that this loneliness is going to last forever.

But I'll keep fighting

I keep telling myself that the reward for surviving will be love.

I'll be loved more wholesomely than I could ever imagine.

The loneliness was just to help me to love and appreciate me.

I won't give up on myself and i won't give up on love.

Because love doesn't leave it just likes to give us time to get ourselves ready to receive all the love we deserve.


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