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In the tip of the clitoris alone, there are more than 8,000 nerve endings. And, when you have an orgasm, you stimulate 15,000 other nerves in the pelvis.

So, as I rubbed my clit on the bed in my bedroom, I felt the stimulation through my body grow stronger and stronger. As I was just about to come, my mom walked in.

"Gabs?" I heard her ask, not bothering to knock. I sat up, pulling the duvet on top of my chest.

"Yeah, mom?" I asked, a little frantic. Judging by the way she leaned up against the doorframe casually, I knew she didn't expect anything of what I was doing. I loved my mom to death, but she was very gullible and naive.

"I know you're going to bed soon, but I just wanted to remind you about tomorrow." She said. Guilt washed over me, not being able to remember what tomorrow was. She could tell.

"Gabrielle Reeve. I have been reminding you about this for months." She lectured. I closed my eyes and covered my face, hoping that if I blocked out my senses, I would gain some memory. Unfortunately for me, nothing clicked.

"The new boss?" She pushed, hoping I would remember.

"Right! Mom, I'm so sorry. I didn't forget, I swear." I told her. She shrugged, not believing me.

"Uh-huh. I want to be out of this house by 7." She told me. I nodded, and we exchanged good nights. When she left the room, I collapsed back onto the bed. I definitely wasn't in the mood anymore.

My mom's boss, who also owned the company, died recently of a heart attack, so his son was taking over. Because of the passing of the old boss, the company was having a little get together tomorrow to welcome the new one into the office.

My mom thought this would be a great opportunity to get me a job at her work. Not doing anything serious, since I was still in my last year of high school, but just something simple like picking up lunch or working the printer machine. She thought it would be a good way to start working on my independence, plus it would get some extra income into the house.

Like she said, we were out the door by 7 the next morning and on our way to the city. Before we went into her office, we dropped my dad off at work. Usually, he would take the bus as my mom took the car, but this morning was rainy and the bus would be more crowded than usual.

I always loved going downtown to the city. I told myself that once I was old enough to have my own place, which wasn't far away at all, I'd start off with an apartment downtown. I liked the tall buildings and the lit up nights. It felt more homey to me than the suburbs.

"Good morning, Donna. Is this who I think it is?" One of Donna's coworkers came up to ask. I looked at her, not recognizing her at all.

"Morning, Betsy. Yes, this is Gabby." My
mom said, putting her hand on my shoulders. I smiled awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

"Oh, I've seen so many pictures of you. What're you doing in the office today?" Betsy asked. My mom spoke up for me, even though I was completely capable of answering myself. Maybe she was afraid I'd say something she didn't like.

"Well, with our new boss coming in, and with my loyalty here, I wanted to volunteer Gab for a job." Mom told her. Betsy nodded. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but the other coworkers in the office started applauding.

The three of us looked up and saw who I was assuming the new boss. He looked young, like my mom said he would. His brown hair looked a little damp from the rain, and drops of water from his head dripped down on the long black jacket he wore.

As for the rest of his appearance, I had to admit; as young as he looked, he gave off the impression of a real business man. He was quite handsome, and it made me a little nervous.

"Thank you, everyone. My name is Liam Wolf. I look forward to meeting you all. I'll be coming around during lunch to properly introduce myself to each of you. As for now, I think we should all get started on our work for the week." Liam said. His voice was deep and attractive. I scoffed at the cliche name, and my mom nudged me in my side. The building did have "Wolf Industries" written on the front in big letters, but I thought it was just for show.

She took my hand and pulled me with her to go talk with Liam.

"Mr. Wolf. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm so sorry about your father. He was a great man. You look just like him." My mom said. They shook hands, and he smiled at her pleasantly.

"Thank you. Um..." He said, hoping she would say her name.

"Donna Steiger. This is my daughter, Gabrielle." My mom said, motioning towards me.

Liam made eye contact with me for the first time since he got here. Neither of us said anything for a second, just trying to read the other's expression. I let out an awkward cough, causing him to say something.

"Gabrielle. Pleasure to meet you." He said, putting his hand out to shake. I looked down at it before deciding to take it. It would've been rude if I didn't, and I was representing my mom.

"I brought her in because I wanted to ask if she could get a job here? Nothing major, since she's still in school. And, she would only be able to work after school and on weekends. I just though that since the other Mr. Wolf died we might need some help. Plus I think it'd be a good idea to.." My mom rambled, but Liam cut her off. He was smirking at me, and I didn't know if I liked it or not.

"I think it's a great idea, Donna." He said.

I had the feeling he didn't have my mom or my, for that matter, interest at heart. I think he knew by the look on my face I didn't want to work there. Judging by that stupid smirk, he was doing this on purpose.

"Oh, really? Did you hear that Gab?" My mom asked, glancing over at me. I didn't look at her, but kept my eye contact with Liam.

"Yup. Loud and clear." I said. My mom was too excited to notice my sarcastic tone.

I zoned out as they started talking about when I would work. I couldn't believe I would now have to spend my weekends and afternoons at the stupid office, the same place my own mother worked. I was only 18, and not ready to be working anywhere near an office anytime soon.

I didn't know how long I would be working here, but I knew I would hate every second of it.

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