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"Gabrielle?" Liam yelled, pulling his hands off of me right away.

"Babe! I gotta go pee!" The girl yelled behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Mariah, his girlfriend, wobbling away to the bathroom. It was clear she was incredibly drunk, and definitely was going to have a major hangover in the morning.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Liam asked me.

I shook my head. This couldn't be happening. There was no way I just danced like that with my boss and his girlfriend.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, emphasizing the "you". All Liam did was scoff.

"Says the girl who's not old enough to drink. This is a club, and you smell like alcohol. Have you been drinking?" He questioned.

I didn't say anything. Instead, I thought about how he would approach this. He'd probably fire me. Or tell my mom. Or fire me and then tell my mom.

I was fucked.

When I didn't answer, Liam pulled my arm away from the dance floor and guided me to a less crowded area of the club. The only light came from led beer signs that hung on on the walls, and the music wasn't as loud.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you could get in? How much trouble I could get in for knowing about this and..dancing..with you like that?" He asked. I could smell drinks on his breath, but he didn't seem as drunk as me or Mariah.

"So what? I had a few drinks, it's not a big deal. I'm not as drunk as you're little girlfriend who could barely carry her ass to the bathroom." I said, squinting my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest.

Liam annoyedly smiled and wiped his jawline, which I noticed was very sharp and covered in stubble. He shook his head and looked at the floor, thinking about how he was going to handle this.

I noticed his muscles, which were showing through his shirt. He was so hot.

"Did you come here alone?" He asked after a second passed. I shook my head.

"I came with my friend. But I can't find her." I said. Just then, my phone went off. I opened my clutch and looked down at it, checking to see who texted me.

I could tell Liam took this opportunity to look at my dress, because he got really quiet and I didn't see his head move away from me out of the corner of my eye. I didn't get self conscious, though. I hoped he thought I looked good, even if there was no chance of anything ever happening between us.

The text was from Stacy. She wrote "Gt ride hone, going to Kyle's lace. Loce uuuu!!!!)? 😗😘😤🥰"

I let out a sigh.

"Nevermind. She left to go to some dudes house. She probably got too drunk and forgot I was supposed to sleep over. Fuck. My overnight bag is at her house. Damnit." I muttered, typing back "Please be safe. Love you too."

"Alright. Look, you can't see your parents the way you are now. You smell like alcohol and I can tell you've been drinking." Liam sighed. I put my phone back into my clutch and pressed my temples together, stressed.

"Thanks so much for the help, captain obvious." I sighed back.

"You can stay in my guest bedroom." Liam eventually said. I gave him a crazy look.

"What? No, I cant." I said, immedietly turning him down. He's too old. And he's my mom and I's boss. I can't risk loosing her job.

"Do you have a better place to go to?" He asked me, raising his eyebrows and putting his hands out.

I didn't want to admit it, but Liam was right. All of my friends from school lived too far out into the suburbs by me, and we were pretty deep in the city. Plus, they wouldn't take me in anyway if I was drunk. They were too stuck up.

And I couldn't come home to my parents. I smelled like alcohol, and my dad always knows when something is up.

Liam was my only option.

"What about Mariah?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I told her Id meet her here. She came with some friends, and by the time I got here she was wasted. Probably won't even remember me showing up. She's leaving with one of the friends she came with." He explained.

I nodded, but looked down at the ground.

Was I really about to go home with him?

We won't do anything. We can't. It's just a place to sleep and I'll uber back in the morning before he even wakes up.

"Okay." I said.

Liam nodded and put his hand on the back of my neck. I don't know if it was the booze and he just wasn't thinking, but the small action gave me butterflies as he walked behind me, his hand not moving, and we walked towards the club exit. Once we got outside, he let go of my neck and walked in front of me. We had to go through a shady alley way to get to his car, but I wasn't scared. For some reason, I knew because he was there, nothing bad would happen.

When I sat down, I thought about the night he drive me home when I stayed late at the office. The car smelled the same, like his cologne, and had the same all black interior.

Neither of us said anything as he put his hand on the back of my chair to pull out. Even when he wasn't trying to be, he was a naturally hot guy.

He drove us around the city streets. I looked at all the buildings and the lights. I love it here.

Liam noticed my gaze.

"Don't get out here too often?" He asked, chuckling. I shook my head.

"Only during the day. At night it's...like a whole different place." I said, leaning back and continuing to stare out the window.

"You ever been to one of the condos here? They're pretty nice." He said. I looked over at him.

"Wait, you have a condo here? Like, in the city?" I asked, starting to get excited.

"Well, I have a few places. Wolf Industries is a very successful company. But, yeah. Condo's right up the street here."

He said it so casually. As if everyone had multiple homes and places to stay, and were able to afford condos in rich city neighborhoods.

We pulled up to the gate, and Liam scanned a card to let him into the parking garage. He then found a spot, which I assumed was designated to him since it was open and had a number assigned to it.

When he got out of the car, I grabbed my clutch and was about to open my door when he beat me to it.

What a gentleman.

He led me to the elevator, and I was surprised at how many floors there were. Adding to my surprise, Liam pressed the highest number available.

"You've got to be kidding me." I scoffed. He smirked and shook his head, folding his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh, we're going all the way up, girl."

More butterflies.

The elevator opened, and he led me to an apartment door with the number 65 on it.

I couldn't believe I was about to spend the night at Liam Wolf's fucking condo.

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