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It was Friday. The night of the big party everyone had been talking about for the passed few days.

I didn't really want to go, but Stacy practically pulled me out of the apartment. Plus, Liam said it would be good to hang out with people from school.

But I knew Dan would be there, and I've kind of been avoiding him. I felt bad, but I was with Liam. I wasn't going to ruin that over someone I was no longer interested in.

It was a house party at some random kids house I didn't really talk to. Me and Stacy could hear the music from outside as we parked the car. I started getting excited as we were walking up to the house.

Stacy held my hand as we walked in. It was exactly how you would've expected it to be; loud music, alcohol bottles everywhere, and teens cramped together, some of them dancing.

I quickly joined a group of girls I knew while Stacy went and talked to a couple of the older people at the party. It was fun, and I was having a good time.

I didn't mean to get trashed because my parents were supposed to be coming home from the hospital tomorrow, but I also wasn't realizing how strong the drinks were being made. And, to say the least, they were pretty strong.

I stumbled upstairs towards the bathroom needing to pee. I went in and did what I had to do, walking out and running into someone from behind. When he turned around, I saw it was Dan.

He smiled.

"You didn't tell me you were coming. Just like you didn't answer any of my texts. The fuck you've been up to, girl?" He asked.

I could see it in his eyes he was drunk, and could smell the alcohol on his breath. And by the way he was breathing out of his mouth, which wasn't something he normally did, he wasn't just drunk; he was wasted.

But not like I was in a better position than he was.

"Yeah, uh...I've just been going through a lot." I said. He nodded his head, and all I wanted to do was go back downstairs.

"You're friend Macey told me you got a new man's."

I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Yeah. Whatever."

I shook my head. I didn't mean to lead Dan on, if you could even say I did that. I did stop answering his calls and texts, and I was hoping he'd get the hint.

"Listen, you're a great guy and I'm sure you'll be a great boyfriend to someone one day. But that girls just not me." I said. This was my way of letting him down easy.

But I don't think he really got the hint.

"Gabs...if I wanted a slut like you to be my girlfriend, you would've known. Don't flatter yourself." He said.

I was taken back. I was really trying to be nice to this guy, but he just wasn't putting up with it.

Even drunk, I knew this wasn't a good situation to be in right now. So, I tried to walk past him, the stairs being the only way down. Daniel didn't like that, so he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me up against the wall.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled, hoping someone would hear. But the music was too loud, and all I could focus on was Dan's hands ripping my shirt so my tits were out.

"What the fuck?" I heard someone say. I looked over, and saw a random girl I've never seen before standing there. Dan looked over, too, and I took that as my chance to run for he stairs.

I immedietly pulled out my phone to call Liam. I couldn't be at this party anymore, but I didn't want to ask Stacy for a ride home and ruin her fun.

I went outside, and my eyes started to tear up. I was holding my shirt together with my hand, hoping the guys outside a few feet away from me smoking wouldn't look over.

"Hello?" Liam's deep voice said over the phone. I stared ahead of me.

"I know it's late, but can you please come get me? I really need to leave." I said. My voice cracked over the phone, and Liam noticed. I could tell by the change of his tone, but he didn't say anything about it, which I was grateful.

"Send me the adress and your location. I'm on my way. Don't move."

He hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

I was hurt. I knew Dan was a player and he slept around, but he acted different towards me. And I thought he wouldn't try to physically hurt me, ever. Even thought I wasn't into him anymore, it still hurt. I thought he was my friend.

I sat down and looked at my shirt. It was extremely torn, my bra completely showing. Even though I technically had clothes on, I felt completely exposed.

I could still hear the music from inside pretty well, but it boomed and dimmed out the crickets everytime someone opened up the door. People were starting to leave.

A big group came out of the house all at once, and I noticed Dan was a part of that group. Thankfully, Liam had just pulled up.

I got up and quickly walked to the car, hoping Dan wouldn't see. Unfortunately for me, though, as soon as I opened the door, he spoke up.

"This your new bitch?" He yelled over, smirking. Everyone behind him looked over at me, and I could hear Liam's car door slam.

"Liam..." I said. All I wanted to do was get into the car and go home.

"Oh, oh. This mister tough guy or something?" Dan pushed. When Liam got to where I was standing, he saw my ripped up shirt and smudged makeup. He put his hands on my face, us locking eyes.

"Did he touch you?" He asked.

I couldn't lie to Liam, as much as I wanted to to get him back into the car so we could leave. But I couldn't.

My mouth open and closed, and that's all Liam needed for an answer.

He turned angrily towards Dan, who's eyes got wide, finally seeing his face.

"You're screwing your bo-"

Boss. He was about to say boss, and expose Liam and I's relationship in front of everyone. But Liam's fist to his face beat him to it.

"Liam!" I yelled. Although I wasn't really upset Dan got punched, I was drunk and nervous about the people that continued to flood out of the house and watch. By this time, there were more people outside than inside.

Dan fell to the floor, Liam standing over him. He swiftly turned around, grabbing my hips and ushering me to the car. He opened the door, shielding my body from everyone watching. When I sat down, he closed it behind me and got into the drivers seat on the other side.

I looked out the window to see people rushing to help Dan, who was still laying on the ground as we drove away.

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