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It was getting close to midnight, and I was still in Liam's office sorting through this stupid file of meaningless forms. I told my mom that she could head home without me, and I would uber back to the house. I thought I would be alone for the rest of the night, so when Liam walked into the office, he made me jump in surprise.

"You're still here?" He asked, ignoring the fact that he scared me. I let out a harsh sigh, putting my hand that was on my chest back on the desk.

"Because of you." I said, just loud enough for him to barely hear me.

Liam looked down at the papers scattered on the desk. I could tell he was actually starting to feel bad because of the expression on his face.

"You've done enough. Cmon, I'll give you a ride home." Liam offered. I scoffed. The only reason I'm here right now is because he got all pissy and made me. Now he wants to play Mr. Nice Guy?

"I'd rather uber home with a stranger than have to be in any type of car ride with you." I told him, not looking up from the scattered papers. The room filled with his cologne, and I could just barely smell Mariah's perfume on him.

"Do you want to go home or not?" He asked me. I looked up at him, seeing if he was being genuine of not.

When he noticed I was looking, he looked away from me. I didn't know why, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"I'll wait outside. My car's double parked." He said.

I watched him close the door behind him, and I let out a sigh. Maybe a ride home couldn't be the worst thing in the world. I guess it was slightly better than riding with a total stranger, even if Liam wasn't far from it.

His car was a black BMW. Again, it smelled like his cologne and Mariah's perfume when I sat down in the front seat. Her perfume was really strong, and I couldn't help but cough.

"Jesus." I muttered, reaching for the seatbelt. He looked over at me with one hand on the wheel, the other arm leaving on the rest in between us.

"What?" He asked.

"You're girlfriend wears way too much perfume." I told him. I thought he would argue with me, but all he did was chuckle.

"Here. You can take out a hundred for your work today." I heard Liam say. I looked over at what he was doing, and he was trying to hand me his wallet while still keeping one hand on the wheel.

"There's no way I'm taking one hundred dollars from you just for filing a few papers." I said, grabbing the wallet from him and putting it in my lap. He glanced down at it, shaking his head.

"I gave you a lot of extra work just because I was annoyed and you actually got most of it done. You deserve it." He told me. I looked down at the small black leather wallet, debating if I should take any money at all.

"No. That's too much." I said.

"God, you're stubborn." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and opened up his wallet, deciding to only take fifty. I noticed he had a lot of money in it, and a black card. I saw his ID, too. I couldn't help but be nosy and look.

Liam Dickinson Wolf. Age 24, brown hair green eyes.

They look more hazel than green.

"Your middle name's Dickinson?" I asked, trying my best not to laugh. He looked over at me confused, and then saw I could see his ID.

"What? Don't look at that!" He said, trying to grab it from my hand. I laughed and put it back in his wallet, not wanting us to get in an accident.

"Relax, Dickinson." I said.

"It's Mr. Wolf. You're never gonna let that go are you?" He asked me. Even though he tried to hide it, I could see a small smirk on his face. I shook my head, smiling.

It was then when I realized just how tired I was. I had worked all night, and with school on top of that was a lot of work. I put my head down on the window and slowly drifted on, happy Liam wasn't stopping me.

"Gabrielle. Gabrielle, we're here." I heard someone say, patting down on my shoulder. I sucked in my breath and sat up, noticing me and Liam were outside of my house.

"How'd you know where I live?" I asked him, rubbing my eyes.

"I checked your moms file before we left." He said.

I let out a small yawn and got out of the car. Before I walked away, he rolled the window down for me to talk through it.

"Thanks for the ride home." I said.

I had to admit; with him sitting there in the car like that, nothing but the street light shining on him, he looked really hot. If only he was younger, didn't have a girlfriend, and wasn't such an asshole. The whole kind of being my boss thing didn't really help either.

"No problem. Thanks for staying at the office so late." He thanked. I nodded.

"Just following orders." I said, kind of joking. He let out a chuckle.

"You have a good night, Gabrielle." Liam said. I smiled, nodding my head.

I turned around and opened up the door to my house. My parents were already asleep, just like I assumed they would be. When I turned to shut the door, I noticed Liam waiting for me to get inside.I didn't wave or anything, just locked the door and went right up to bed.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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