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"What happened?" Liam asked, not looking at me.

The ride back to his place was completely silent. Every now and then when I would glance over at Liam, I could just see his hands firmly grasping the steering wheel to the point where his knuckles were white.

I was still crying, but it was only because I was drunk and wanted to get some normal clothes on. I didn't even care what it was, I just needed something to cover my chest.

We got to the parking garage outside of Liam's condo. When we made it to his parking spot, he parked the car but left the keys in the engine. Neither of us moved.

"Gabrielle, what the fuck happened?" Liam raised his voice. I jumped in suprise.

"I went to the bathroom, and when I came out Dan was mad at me for not answering any of his texts or calls. I didnt mean to lead him on, I just didn't want to ruin anything with you. And.." I started rambling, and he cut me off.

"But why the fuck is your shirt ripped?" He asked. He lightly hit his steering wheel. I looked down at my chest again and crossed my arms to try and cover myself.

"He ripped it." I answered, simply. Liam nodded.

"And it stopped there?"


He took the keys out of the engine harshly.

"He put his fucking dirty hands on you. That's all I needed to know." He said, lowly. He reached over in front of me and pulled out a pack of cigarettes from the glove compartment that I've never seen before.

"You smoke?" I asked. I never knew that about him.

Liam pulled on cigarette out and put the pack back into the glove compartment. He opened his door and faced the opposite direction of me, pulling a lighter out of his pocket. I couldn't really see, but I saw some smoke escape from Liam's mouth when he looked at me over his shoulder.

"When I'm stressed." He answered, lowly.

He slammed the car door shut. I quickly wiped my face and went to open my own door to get out. When I did, though, I was greeted by a shirtless Liam.

He took one last puff of his cigarette before putting it out, and I didn't question how he smoked it that quickly.

"Come here." He mumbled.

I got to the edge of the seat, his legs locking me in and keeping me from getting out of the car. He took my shirt off, my arms too heavy for me to lift up in my drunken state. Then, he took the shirt that was in his hands, his shirt, and put it on me.

It smelled like him, and I loved it.

"I love you." I said. I didn't care if he was mad, I just needed to say it. Because the fact that he came to pick me up and was taking care of me right now was enough.

Liam bent down and kissed my forehead, pulling me out of the car and hugging me.

"I love you, too. But let's get you inside."

I don't remember much after that, but I knew I ended up in Liam's bed. I was supposed to be sleeping, but something woke me up. When I opened my eyes, I saw Liam putting a glass of water and two advils down on the night stand next to me. He saw I was up, and sat down by my feet.

"I want you to know that I'm not upset with you. I'm just upset with the situation." He told me. I nodded my head.

I sat up, the blanket still over my body, and grabbed Liam's face. I kissed his forehead and hugged him, my face ending up in his chest.

"You punched him." I said, remembering everything from just a few hours before. I felt Liam sigh.

"I had to stop myself from doing worse because you were watching. And I'm sorry you had to see me like that."

I wasn't a child. And, honestly the fact that Liam had stood up for me like that and cared about me enough to punch someone was a turn on.

I touched Liam's cheek again and made him look down at me. He did, and bent down to kiss me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, just like every other time our lips touched.

The things this man did to me.

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