The Wonders Of Remus Lupin

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Chapter 25: The Wonders Of Remus Lupin

-bex p.o.v.-

My entire view on Remus had changed within a matter of days from my thoughtful conquest. It was crazy how one could change an opinion that had taken years to develop in only a few minutes. I hadn't expected it nor did I anticipate it. It sort of just happened.

Remus, who I previously believed to be a shy boy, was anything but that. Everything I had thought in regards to him was now being questioned.

Was he really a quiet person? Sometimes. Was he a book worm? Perhaps; but I was still investigating that question. Was he innocent? Absolutely not.

And to think, this major scientific break through of what I liked to call "The Dissection of Remus Lupin" only surfaced because of an entirely gross and humongously disgusting scene I happened to walk in on.

Remus and Callie kissing.

Gross, I know. And completely unexpected. Who knew Remus had it in him? Definitely not me. In fact, before that, I never would have guessed that Remus had even kissed a girl. Or knew what kissing was.


Walking from the kitchen, I passed through the living room, heading for the staircase. There was an abundance of green apples now held in the kitchen, and after taking a couple I was all set for heading back to my room.

All of the boys were gathered in lounge, having already forbid me from entering under the pretense of male-bonding. And I happily avoided that area of the house. I understood that boys needed time to themselves and it was a good thing for me to have my own time to myself.

On my way up the staircase Remus happened upon me. "Bex," he stated in surprise.

"Remus, what a pleasant change, it's nice to see you not sucking Callie's face off." He chuckled at my sarcastic response and once again apologized. I shrugged, "it's alright, I suppose, as long as it doesn't happen again."

Remus sobered up and asked, "can we talk? I need to tell you something."

I shrugged, "yeah sure."

Remus looked around us, "maybe somewhere a bit more private? This is something important, something I can't just say."

"Alright, we can go to my room," I eyed Remus strangely. Once situated on my bed, the apples rolled towards me, falling into the small dent I made in the mattress.

"Bex, please just know that I am fully aware of what could happen when I tell you this and I trust you to make your own decisions and I won't hold anything against you if you decide to stop being my friend."

I looked at Remus, almost in shock, "and what makes you think that whatever you have to tell me is going to make me stop being your friend?"

"Because it's been known to scare people away," he sighed softly, his downcast eyes examining my bed spread.

I frowned and spoke up, "yeah, well I'm not so easily scared."

"That's what I'm counting  on."

"On with it Remus, you'll start to make me nervous if you drag it on any longer."

He frowned, looking like he was struggling to find words. His facial expressions were conflicted and I noticed his hands beginning to shake slightly. "I have a problem."

"Well obviously, I mean look at you," I threw my hand up to gesture at his body language. Placing a hand on his shoulder,  I spoke, "Remus, mate, are you dying? Have you got an illness or something? You do look a bit sick, to be honest, are you coming down with something?" Upon closer inspection I noticed that he had dark circles around his eyes and his skin was paler than usual.

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