Saviour Call Gone Bad

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Chapter 4: Saviour Call Gone Bad
-Bex p.o.v.-

"You have one call." An officer held open the cell door, waiting for one of us to get up.

I glanced around at the other boys, waiting for one of them to make some sort of move or say something. Eventually, I rolled my eyes, "I got it." I stood and followed the man out of the cell, down the hall towards to muggle phone attached to the wall.

I dialed the familiar number and waited as a humming buzzed through the line. On the third ring, he picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey. Ozzy, it's me."

"Princess?" He questioned, his voice sounding a bit groggy.

"Did I wake you?" I asked with a small frown.

"No, I was just watching a film, I started falling asleep. Where are you? Why did your father call me and ask if I you were at my place with a couple of friends?" Ozzy's voice seemed a bit panicked, he spoke quickly of himself and turned the conversation back to me.

I bit my lip at his worry, "I'm at the police station."

He didn't speak for a minute, all I could here was a soft sigh. I pictured him hunched over, his left hand rubbing at his eyes while his right hand held the phone to his ear. He spoke softly, "what did you do this time?"

"We were pulling a prank and got pulled in for disturbing the peace." I talked into the phone while staring at the wall in front of me, the grey brick was battered and worn. Chips of paint were missing and the wall was scratched ever so slightly.

"Bex," he sighed at me. "When are you going to grow up?"

My stare turned into a glare. "If you don't want to come get me I'll just stay here then." I was about to hang up, but Ozzy spoke softly on the other end, "I'll be there shortly."

I put the phone back on its dock and turned to go back to my cell. The police man was waiting several feet away from me, speaking with another man. When he saw I was done he excused himself and escorted me back.

"Ozzy will be here to pick us up soon." I said, entering the cell. I returned to my previous position, lying on the cot. Sirius, after I left the cell, had taken half of the cot, so I had to share with him. James was sitting on the ground, his back against the concrete wall, while Peter and Remus sat on the metal bench running the length of the cell.

The boys had managed to gain a sense of peace as the time went on. Only an hour into our wait, and they were cracking jokes about our prank. They lost their nervousness.

But now that it was nine o'clock at night, I had just called an adult to come get us, and we would be at the Potter Manor in less than an hour, they had seemed to lose the calmness from before. They looked rigid and stiff, and if I didn't know better, terrified.

We sat around in our cell for thirty more minutes. It didn't feel that long compared to the hours we had already spent locked inside. And finally, the keys jingled as the fat bellied man came to let us out. We followed him out and to the front hall.

Ozzy was standing, talking to the lady at the front desk. When he saw us, he excused himself and walked to us. "You lads are in big trouble. Your parents have been worried sick."

"Why are you so late?" I asked, ignoring his statement.

"I had to owl your father back, to notify him of where you had been, as well as as notifying these boy's parents. Apparently they are all at the Potter's now. They've been terrified at what could have happened to you." Ozzy explained, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'll be right back, I have to finish talking with the officer about the extent of your crime." He turned and walked back to the lady, continuing their conversation.

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