"Its Adam, Adam Banks."

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Y/n's POV

"We're almost there sweetie!" Mrs. Dennis said as we passed the sign labeled "Edina." What a life. The past 2 months have just been a blur. First my parents die in a car wreck because of a semi, then my dogs get took away, I'm put in a orphanage, and now I'm being dragged to Edina, Minnesota. I wish none of this happened. Why did my parents just have to go visit their friends that day? Now their gone, my dogs are probably still in a shelter, and I'm getting ripped away from my hometown. My dogs were everything to me, now they'll probably sit in a shelter forever until they're put down.

"This is it!" Mr. Dennis said as we pulled up to a huge house. Wow. These people are loaded. This house was so fancy. I got out and stretched. As I was looking around the neighborhood I noticed all the houses were big and fancy. I looked across the street and took a glance at the mailbox. "Banks" is what it said. That's a odd last name I thought.

"You can go ahead and look at your room, I'll get all your stuff in." Mr. Dennis said. I was fully capable of getting my own bags but I didn't feel like arguing. I haven't said much to these people. I don't get it, why'd they come down to Arkansas just to adopt me?

I walked inside and it was nice. Comfy looking furniture. They told me my room would be on the second floor facing the street on the right. I walked up there and and seen 3 doors on the right. Nice. I opened the first one and it was a bathroom. The second one was a laundry room. That laundry room was bigger than my old room. I opened the final door and holy was that a nice room. It was gray and had a huge bed in it. It had a bay window and a big closet.

"Wow.." I trailed off. Mr. Dennis walked in with a few of my boxes.

"Nice isn't it?" He said smiling. I nodded my head.

"You can do whatever you want to it, it's yours." He said putting his arm on my shoulder.

"Thank you." I said smiling at him. They weren't too bad. They were nice so far. They could be lunatics though. I opened one of my boxes with all the clothes. I started to unpack. Once I got my clothes put up I grabbed my "decorations." It consisted of pictures of my family, friends and whatnot. Also my Beatles poster and Pink Floyd poster. I set everything up. The only box left had little nick nacks and some blankets. I wasn't allowed to keep much, which really sucked. I got all of it set up and sat down on my bed. I just laid there listening to the sounds. I heard what sounded like skating. I got up and looked out my window. There was a blonde boy playing  street hockey. I always wanted to play hockey, but I lived in Arkansas hockey ain't much of an option. I couldn't really see the boy but he looked about my age.

"Hey sweetie can you come down here?" Mrs. Dennis hollered.

"Yeah." I hollered back. I made my way down the stairs and about got lost when I made it to the living room.

"This is Merlin, we thought you ought to meet him." She said petting a yellow dog. He looked like he was split down the middle between two breeds.

"What's his breed?" I asked. I leaned down and put my hand out for him to sniff. He had one blue eye and one brown eye he was really pretty.

"He's a lab and pit mix. We like to call it pitador." She said smiling. They dog sniffed my hand and let me start petting him.

"That's awesome he's a pit bull, I really like pits despise what lots of people think." I said sitting down to play with him. I love animals, and about 99% of the time they like me back. He was really sweet.

"Well that's good, why don't you take him out back to let him use the restroom. You can look around the yard while you do, get to know what it's like." She said smiling. I nodded and got up.

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